2021英语人教版选择性必修第三册课件:UNIT 1 Section B .pptx

2021英语人教版选择性必修第三册课件:UNIT 1 Section B .pptx

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Section B Learning About LanguageⅠ.知识体系图解 重点词汇 视觉的;视力的 池塘;水池 拱形的;弓形的 新娘  谦逊的;虚心的;卑微的  1.visual adj.    ?2.pond n.    ?3.arched adj.   ?4.bride n.  ?5.humble adj.  ?6.  n.雕像;雕刻品;雕刻术→  n.雕刻家;雕塑家?7.  vt. vi.呈弧形横跨;(使)成弓形 n.拱;拱形结构;拱门?8.  n.投资额;投资;(时间、精力的)投入?9.  adj.永久的;永恒的;长久的?10.  n.纪念碑(或像等);纪念物;纪念品?adj.纪念的;悼念的11.  vi. vt.批评;指责;评价→  n.批评;指责;评论?sculpture sculptor arch investmentpermanent memorial  criticism criticise 重点短语 be fascinated by fill in the purpose ofbe faced with 1.    对……着迷?2.  填;填写?3.    ……的目的?4.    面对?5.build trust  ?建立信任  不干涉某人;留下某人一个人 实现;成真  达到目的;实现目标 6.leave sb alone    ?7.come true   ?8.achieve one’s goal    ?重点句式 All he wanted after a tiring day was to be left alone. 重点语法 动词不定式作表语 Ⅱ.释义匹配1.pond A.relating to seeing2.visual B.the use of money to get a profit3.investment C.an area of water smaller than a lake4.humble D.not proud or not believing that you are important5.bride E.a woman who is about to get married or has just got married答案 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.EⅢ.介词填空1.  most people in the office,I don’t come to work by car.?2.Her stories are mainly written from the perspective of women  a realistic style.?3.Mark was mainly interested  sport at school,playing volleyball as well as soccer.?4.I’ve always been fond  poetry and one piece has always stuck in my mind.?5.She moved  London,meeting some of the best minds of her time.?Unlike ininofto重点词汇1.You need to have realistic expectations of the returns from investments.你需要对投资回报有现实的预期。【词汇精讲】 investment n.投资额;投资;(时间、精力的)投入The lessons cost me over $500,but I consider them a good investment.这些课程花了我500多美元,但我认为它们是一项很好的投资。Shareholders want to see a better return on their investment.股东们希望看到更好的投资回报。【词汇拓展】 He’s not certain whether to invest in the property market.他不确定是否要投资房地产市场。You have all invested significant amounts of time and energy in making this project the success.你们都投入了大量的时间和精力来使这个项目取得成功。2.What the survivors attempted to do was to build a memorial to the heroes who saved their lives.幸存者想做的是为拯救他们生命的英雄建造一座纪念碑。【词汇精


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