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吉吉林林省省吉吉林林市市2200112222001133学学年年高高一一英英语语44月月月月考考试试题题 试卷总分:350 答题时间:600分钟 I卷 (选择题) 一一、、单单项项选选择择 1. Bob translated the book into Chinese. He _____.He doesnt understand Chinese.[1分]正确答案 (D) A cant have do that B may not have have done that C must have done that D cant have done that 2. She doesn’t answer the doorbell. She ______ be asleep.[1分]正确答案 (A) A might B should C ought to D had to 3. --Is John coming by train? --He should,but he ________not. He likes driving his car.[1分]正确答案 (D) A must B can C need D may 4. -- No wonder you caught a cold. You ______ out last night without a coat. -- I know how silly I was.[1分]正确答案 (D) A shouldn’t have gone B mustn’t have gone C couldn’t have gone D mightn’t have gone 5. I didn’t see her in the meeting room. She _________ at the meeting.[1分]正确答案 (D) A mustn’t have spoke B shouldn’t have spoken C needn’t have spoken D couldn’t have spoken 6. You ________ last week if you were really serious about your work.[1分]正确答案 (C) A ought to come B ought to be coming C ought to have come D ought have come 7. Why ______ I drive so many miles for a supper when I can easily have it at one of the restaurants nearby?[1分]正确答案 (A) A should B might C would D could 8. I _____as him because I think I _____ be wrong.[1分]正确答案 (A) A daren’t;must B dare;must C dare;mustn’t D daren’t;mustn’t 9. I’m surprised that he _____ in the exam.[1分]正确答案 (D) A should fail B would have failed C may have failed D should have failed 10. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he ________ your lecture. [1分]正确答案 (A) A couldn’ t have attended B need



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