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初三年级英语练习听力材料及答案 第一部分 听对话回答问题;读两遍 . 1.M : Do you know the girl in red? W:Yes, she is my sister, Mary. She was born in the Year of the Rat. She is clever and smart. 2.M: I really want to be a basketball player. And you? Oh, I ’ m going to be a policewoman when I grow up. 3.M: What a sunny day last Saturday! Yes, and we all had a great time in the park! M: I don ’ t like cats, they are lazy and they always sleep in the day. But they are working while we are sleeping at night. 5.M: We ’ ll take an examtomorrow. I have to to stay up late to get ready for it tonight. You ’ d better go to bed early so you can stay awake in the exam. 6.M: Excuse me. What ’ s the time by your watch? It ’ s half past five. But my watch is five minutes fast. M: Open your mouth. Now show me where it hurts. Here on the right, especially when I eat something cold or hot. M: How did your sister do in her exam, Rose? She is a top student and she came first. M: What kind of drink do you prefer, milk or coffee? Neither. I’ d like a cup of tea. W: My parents help me with my study at home every day. You ’ re lucky. My parents are too busy to help me. So I often ask my friends for help if I have problems. 第二部分 听 和短文回答 ;听两遍 . 听一段 ;回答第 11-12小 . I ’ veno idea. Maybe I will spend it abroad. Which country would you like to go to? I ’ m not sure. I just want to relax because I feel very tired these days. M: If I were you, I would go to Switzerland. It ’ s really a nice place. W: I don ’ t think so. M: What about Hawaii? There is lots of sunshine there all the year round. W: Sounds interesting. Of course I could practice English as well. Thanks for your suggestion. My pleasure. 听一段 ;回答第 13-15小 . Excuse me, could you tell me how far it is from our school to the zoo? M: Sure. It ’ s only 15 minutes ’ walk. W: How can I get there? I ’ m new here, you know. Well, walk along School Road to the traffic lights. And then? M: Then turn left and you ’ ll be on Green Street. Thereotel onisathe corner and the



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