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The Police and Planning of Nuclear Energy 32个国家共有438(439)座核电站,核电比例16%。36座在建 美国 103,核电比例22% 法国 56, 核电比例79% 日本 51, 核电比例35% 俄罗斯20,核电比例20% 德国 10, 核电比例20% Existing Nuclear Power Plants in China Name Type Commenced Capacity Vendor Owner Operation MWe Qinshan- I PWR 1985 300 CNNC CNNC 1994 Daya Bay PWR 1987 2x944 Framatome CNNC, 1993, 94 GUANDONG Qinshan- II PWR 1996 2x600 CNNC CNNC 2002, 04 Lingao PWR 1997 2x990 Framatome CNNC, 2002, 03 GUANDONG Qinshan- III CANDU 1998 2x728 AECL CNNC 2002, 03 Tianwan PWR 1999 2x1000 Russia CNNC 2007 Total (11)     8824       Nuclear energy, which generates about 17 percent of world electricity supplies (roughly 6 percent of total energy consumption), is produced by enhancing the radioactive decay of naturally fissile materials—elements whose atoms can be split by thermal (slow) neutrons, releasing energy. About 0.7 percent of natural uranium consists of the isotope uranium-235, which is fissile and is the most widely-used fuel in standard nuclear reactors. The remainder is the more stable uranium-238. To exploit this energy source, companies mine uranium ore and, by a process called uranium enrichment, increase the concentration of U-235 to about 4 percent. Enriched uranium is formed into fuel rods or pellets, which are placed inside a nuclear reactor and bombarded by neutrons. This process causes U-235 atoms to split into two or more smaller atoms, called daughter products, and releases large amounts of energy. This process also releases excess neutrons, which split other U-235 atoms, causing a nuclear fission chain reaction. Spent nuclear fuels remain highly radioactive for thousands of years, and finding appropriate sites to store radioactive waste is a highly contentious issue in virtually every nuclear nation. The United States is struggling to build and license a national repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, after decades of study, but concerns persist about whether the sites complex geology can isolate nuclear waste from the


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