恩波学校2005年春季大学英语六级第一次模考试题加答案(之四) .docxVIP

恩波学校2005年春季大学英语六级第一次模考试题加答案(之四) .docx

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恩波学校2005年春季大学英语六级第一次模考试题加答案(之四) 45. Nowadays, advertising costs are no longer in reasonable ________to the total cost of the product. ?? A. proportion?????????? B. correlation???????? C. connection??????? D. correspondence 46. The wealth of a country should be measured ______the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce. ?? A. in line with????????? B. in terms of???????? C. with regard to????? D. by means of 47. Computer language is an artificial language that ______instructions to be executed on a computer. ?? A. specifies??????????? B. identifies?????????? C. intensifies??????? D. classifies 48. The State’s department of commerce is _______to our bureau of economic department. ?? A. equivalent?????????? B. alike????????????? C. uniform????????? D. likely 49. Lack of money and lack of machinery are two ______on the growth of the firm. ?? A. boundaries?????????? B. restraints????????? C. confinements????? D. limitations 50. The ratio of the work done by the machine ______the work done on it is called the co-efficiency of the machine. ?? A. against????????????? B. with????????????? C. to???? &nb sp;???????? D. for 51. Your advice would be ________valuable to him, who is now at a loss as to what to do first. ?? A. excellently?????????? B. excessively??????? C. extensively??????? D. exclusively 52. We should always bear in mind that ______decisions often result in serious consequences. ?? A. urgent?????????????? B. instant??????????? C. prompt?????????? D. hasty 53. At first the company refused to purchase the equipment, but this decision was ______revised. ?? A. subsequently???????? B. successively??????? C. predominantly???? D. preliminarily 54. The words Francis Key wrote on the back of an old letter “The Star Spangled Banner” became the national _______of the United States. ?? A. song??????????????? B. hymn???????????? C. anthem?????????? D. motto 55. The members in the testing team were quite ______and could change their s


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毕业于中南财经政法大学,十二年office学习经验。 微软MOS认证专家,曾予供销社、中国银行、国家电网等企事业单位定制财务模板与PPT模板。 头条百家数十万粉丝作者,WPS稻壳儿优秀设计师。


