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1. You mustn’t talk with a person with your finger pointing at her. 2.He lay on his back, with his hands crossed under his head. 3.With the new term to begin soon, we’ll be very busy again. 4.He entered the room, with his nose red with cold. 5. He felt asleep, with the radio on. 6.With a face all smiles he told us that he had passed the exam. 7.A man broke in , with a knife in his hand. ;with复合结构; with + 宾语 +;1. with+宾语+形容词;3. with + 宾语+名词;5.with+宾语+现在分词;7.with+宾语+不定式(表示要干的事情);The dog is waiting for its owner quietly, _____________________ (它的大嘴张开着???;The girl looks unhappy, _______________ (脸红着);Two men __________________ (穿着救生衣)are floating along the river.;With a lot of homework to do ;She felt upset, ________________________(眼泪流下来); 瞄准( shoot at );A deer is driving the man’s car home, ______________________ (他被绑在车上);二. with复合结构作定语 She saw a brook with red flowers and green grass on both sides.;1、那个手指间夹着一根香烟的人是我们的数学老师。;三. with复合结构作状语可变成状语从句或并列句;(2)作原因状语;(3)作条件状语;(4)作伴随状语;(5)作结果状语:由causing加名词短语构成;Because I have a lot of homework to do , I can’t go to bed early. The woman with a necklace around her neck must be very wealthy. After he had his bike repaired, he rode on. 4.A terrible earthquake hit Wenchuan on May 12, 2008, causing the destruction of a number of buildings. 5. The teacher came in, carrying a cup in her hand. ;;With his bike repaired , he rode on.;→;Exercises: correct the mistakes 1.With the man to guide us ahead, we had no trouble finding the village. 2.With a lot of work done, she doesn’t have time to rest. 3.With the machine was working all the time, we finished harvesting crops in time. 4.The street looks more beautiful with all the lights are on. 5.With our problem to settle, we all felt happy. 6.She left the offices with tears being in her eyes. ;Translate the following sentences with “with”.;4. I told her the bad news, ________________________. (心跳地厉害) (beat) 5. ____________________ (嘴里含着一根叉子), the little gi


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