数据库数据库1数据库ppt lecture062.ppt

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a binary many-to many relationship set The union of the primary-key attributes from the participating entity sets becomes the primary key. a binary one-to-one relationship set The primary key of either entity set can be chosen as the primary key a binary many-to-one or one-to-many relationship set The primary key of the entity set on the “many” side of the relationship set serves as the primary key, containing the primary key of the “one” side note Also we need to create foreign-key constraints on the relation schema R as follows: For each entity set Ei related to relationship set R, we create a foreign-key constraint from relation schema R, with the attributes of R that were derived from primary-key attributes of Ei referencing the primary key of the relation schema representing Ei. Redundancy of Schemas Consider a one-to-one relationship set AB from entity set A to entity set B. We can combine schemas even if the participation is partial by using null values. * Aggregation (Cont.) Without introducing redundancy, the following diagram represents: A student is guided by a particular instructor on a particular project A student, instructor, project combination may have an associated evaluation E-R Design Decisions The use of an attribute or entity set to represent an object. Whether a real-world concept is best expressed by an entity set or a relationship set. The use of a ternary relationship versus a pair of binary relationships. The use of a strong or weak entity set. The use of specialization/generalization – contributes to modularity in the design. The use of aggregation – can treat the aggregate entity set as a single unit without concern for the details of its internal structure. UML UML: Unified Modeling Language UML has many components to graphically model different aspects of an entire software system UML Class Diagrams correspond to E-R Diagram, but several differences. ER vs. UML Class Diagrams *Note reversal of position in cardinality constraint depi


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