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No.20 Royal Jelly Shampoo No.20蜂王浆香波 该产品可以非常有效防止毛发脱落!此香波以蛋白质为基础促进细胞复原,使爱犬毛发健康稠密生长,不再枯燥,毫无生气。 规格:250ml, 1000ml, 1加仑(3785ml) 特点和功效 含有蜂王浆的配方,使该香波含有丰富的蛋白质,定期使用可以有效地刺激新的毛发生长,修护受损毛发,并有效减少毛发的脱落。 此香波具有苹果花蜂蜜的甜蜜芳香。 你应该知道 蜂王浆是细胞复原器,频繁使用从而有助于促进毛发生长,减少脱落。 每周同日用的No.91蜂王浆皮毛补充剂一起具有明显的治疗作用,可以有效的减少毛发的脱落,促进毛发的生长,使毛发变得更加稠密。 PROFESSIONAL SHAMPOOING TIPS 将香波均匀抹于湿透的毛发,产生泡沫后,进行冲洗,以去除污垢和多余的油份。 为取得最佳结果,再用香波,产生泡沫,并保留2-5分钟, 然后彻底冲洗。 配用No.50或者 No.51护毛素效果更加理想, 然后擦干。 No.30 – Detangle Shampoo Want to help keep your coat from tangling between baths. No.30 actually lubricates the individual hairs to help cut down on tangling. RECAP Lubricates hair to reduce tangling between baths RECOMMENDATIONS Should be sold with No.63 Detangling spray Coats that tangle and matt easily Should be sold with any type of dematting or detangling tool PROFESSIONAL STYLIST TIPS Great for those coats that matt just by looking at them. Detangle coat before bathing with No.63 detangling spray first and then bath. Ideal for those extra soft, cotteney coat for maintenance bathing No.31 – Oily Coat Shampoo Specifically designed for breeds which tend to have an oiler coat,dogs that secrete more oil through their skin and greasy ears. No.31 is also fantastic for removing stubborn odors, so when you dog rolls in something that they should not have. A lot of the odor that is given off by dogs is produced by the oils in their coats. RECAP Cut down on the dirty dog odor For dogs that coats seem excessively oily RECOMMENDATIONS Dogs that have a strong doggy odor PROFESSIONAL STYLIST TIPS Use to bathe ears on drop coated breeds Is a great shampoo for removing any build up that may remain in the coat For fleas and ticks later coat and let sit for 15 minutes No.33 – Coarse Coat Shampoo 粗毛爱犬专用香波 此款超丰富,浓缩香波专门为毛发粗而硬的犬种设计。 特点和功效 此款香波属温和型,保留爱犬自身天然油脂和毛发质地。爱犬岛特有的月见草香草奶油香气使你的爱犬闻起来清新怡人。 你应该知道 适合于所有金属丝毛,粗燥及硬毛的犬种 PROFESSIONAL STYLIST TIPS 将香波均匀抹于湿透的毛发,产生泡沫后,进行冲洗,以去除污垢和多余的油份。 为取得最佳结果,再用香波,产生泡沫,并保留2-5分钟, 然后彻底冲洗。 配用No.50或者


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