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一 申请信 申请信重点句式 1 我特地写信给贵校,希望能获得进行英语系研究生深造的机会 I am writing in the hope that I may obtain an opportunity to further my study in English toward Master degree in your university. 2 请把相关申请表格寄给我,我将十分感谢 Please send catalog and application forms to me .I shall be greatly appreciated. 6 如果贵方能给我寄来提供给外国留学生的关于研究生学习设施和奖学金适宜的详细目录, 本人十分感激 I would be most grateful if you would send me details of graduate study facilities or scholarships in civil engineering which University of Lancaster may be offering to students from overseas 8 我写信给贵方希望能获得历史系奖学金来支持我的学习和研究 I am writing to you in the hope of obtaining the scholarship in history to support my study and some research work. 10 贵校历史悠久,止血研究,享有世界声望,如果有幸能够成为贵校的学生,我将感到无 比的荣幸 I will certainly feel honored if I admitted to your university, which, renowned for its long history and a fine tradition of scholarship, enjoys a worldwide fame. 11 我很乐意为您提供我个人学习和工作经的有关资料 I shall be glad to furnish you with any further information concerning my education and work experience. 背诵范文 Dear Sir I have applied to enter your esteemed university to follow a course of study. However, although I find the academic curriculum suitable, I feel that the opportunities for leisure activities are also an important part of student life. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could give me some information about this aspect of the campus. In my spare time, I indulge in a wide range of sports; I am also interested in music, especially playing the guitar. Specifically, I wish to know if there are any sports clubs, including soccer and tennis teams run by students. Furthermore, I would be keen to join a student band or orchestra, if there is one. Please write and let me know what university clubs I am eligible to join. By the way, what is the procedure for joining campus clubs, what qualifications do I need, and what are the fees for taking part in their activities? I look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely,


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