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Module 8 Around town Unit 1 How do I get to the Forbidden City?;Tian’anmen Square;the Great Hall of the People;The National Museum of China;the Forbidden City;the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall;Beihai Park;Wangfujing Dajie;the Monument to the People’s Heroes ;Tian’anmen Square;a. Tian’anmen Square b. the Great Hall of the People c. the National Museum of China d. the Forbidden City. e. the chairman Mao Memorial Hall f. Beihai Park g. Wangfujing Dajie;1. What is Lingling showing to Sally?;4. Where is the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall?;7. Where is the best place for shopping?;Everyday English ;Important phrases ;Important sentences ;go straight ahead;She must _________ if she wants to go to the cinema.;She must go _________ if she wants to go to the mall. ;;问路的方式;1. 市场紧挨着花店。  The market is ______ the flower store. 2.书店在电影院和银行之间。 The book store is _______ the cinema ____ the bank. 3. 他们学校在邮局对面。 Their school is ________ the post office.;4. — 警察局在哪?   — 沿着这条路走向右拐到东大街。 — Where is the police station? — ________ this road and then _____________ Dongda Jie.; Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right.; tour gallery painting parliament clear boat off tower; ;;Buckingham Palace;Houses of Parliament and Big Ben;London Eye;Tower Bridge;Tower of London;museum;tower;a. National Gallery;Read the passage and draw the route on the map.;Answer: The square → National Gallery → Buckingham Palace → House of Parliament, Big Ben → London Eye →River Thames → Tower Bridge → Tower of London → River Thames → the station→ the market → the church → the square;Important sentences ;沿河行进时,伦敦眼就在你的右面。; get off 下车、下船、下飞机;4. go for a walk: 去散步 ; It takes you 135 metres above the River Thames. 它能把你带到离泰晤士河面135米 的高空。 take: 带、携带、带走 above:在……之上、高于、超过;8. As you go along the river, the London Eye is on your right. 沿河行进时,伦敦眼就在你的右面。;1. 金小姐住在他们镇的中心位置。 Miss King lives _____________ t


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