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小学古诗词教学研究 摘要 学习优秀古诗词,可以让激发小学生对中华传统文化的兴趣、能够提高小学生的语文素养,《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》也在学段目标中提出小学阶段的学生要能诵读优秀古诗词、背诵优秀古诗词、在诵读古诗词过程中领悟情感等要求。众多教育工作者给予了古诗词教学高度重视,但受应试教育等因素的影响,在目前的小学古诗词教学中还存在着以下几点问题:小学生对古诗词不感兴趣;教师教学方法枯燥、教学氛围沉闷;教师不够重视古诗词。其原因为小学生学习古诗词有困难、教师没有即时更新自己的教学理念、应试教育模式对教学的束缚。解决这些问题的教学策略有:运用多种教学手段,激发学生对古诗词的兴趣;课堂师生合作,引导学生领悟古诗词中的情感;教师要提高自己的专业素养,重视古诗词教学。 关键词 小学语文 古诗词教学 On the teaching of ancient poetry in primary schools Abstract Study of excellent poems, can let stimulate students interest in Chinese traditional culture can improve the elementary student's Chinese accomplishment, compulsory education Chinese curriculum standards (2011 edition) is also put forward the primary school students in the learning period of target need to be able to read good poems to recite poems in reading good poems in the process of understanding the emotional requirements of many education workers gave teaching attaches great importance to the ancient Chinese poems, but the factors of examination-oriented education, elementary school in the current teaching of ancient Chinese poems, but there exist the following problems: primary school students are not interested in those ancient; The reason why teachers don't pay enough attention to ancient poetry is that primary school students have difficulties in learning ancient poetry and teachers don't immediately update their teaching concepts. Exam-oriented education model restricts teaching to solve these problems. Key words Primary school Chinese ancient poetry 目录 TOC \t "参考文献,1,致谢,1,论文一级标题,1,论文引言,1,论文结语,1,论文2级标题,2,论文三级标题,3" \h 11441 一、古诗词教学的要求和重要意义 1 31344 (一)小学古诗词教学的要求 1 6459 (二) 小学古诗词教学的重要意义 1 8885 1、 传承弘扬民族文化 1 6884 2、 有利于提高小学语文教育的质量 2 25073 二、 小学古诗词教学现状分析 2 30123 (一) 学生主体分析 2 22731 1. 小学生对古诗词不感兴趣 2 2488 2.小学生与古诗词存在距离 3 2169 (二) 教学现状分析 3 13902 1.教学方法枯燥 4 21108 2.课堂氛围沉闷 4 24893 (三) 教师主体分析 4 20133 1.教师重视不够 4 11990 2.重机械记忆 5 29683 三、小学古诗词教学策略探究 5 5823 (一)激趣引导,产生学习欲望 6 11875 1.通过导入铺垫情感 6 9231 2.创设情境,引人入胜 6 5934 (


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