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适合三年级听的英语故事精选 英语故事阅读对丰富小学生的语言知识和提高语言素养有着积极的意义,同时也是非常适合小学生的一种学习渠道。本文是适合三年级听的英语故事,希望对大家有帮助! One day, the peachwood charm against evil hung on the door turned its face upward to curse the figure made of Chinese mugwort: Who do you think you are to dare to set yourself over my head? The figure of Chinese mugwort, unwilling1 to be outdone, looked down and retorted: It is summer now. You have only half a year to go, and cant live long. Why squabble over who is higher or who is lower? The peachwood charm was beside itself with rage, and answered back sarcastically2. Both sides refused to give in, and squabbled endlessly with a stream of abuse against each other. At this moment, the deity3 of the door came to mediate4: It is only because we have no ability that we have to attach ourselves to the door of others. Whats the point of quarrelling with each other? 一天,挂在门上的桃符仰起了脸,大骂艾草人:“你这个艾草人算什么东西,胆敢高踞在我的头上!” 艾草人不甘示弱,低头还嘴,说道:“现在已经是夏天了,你只有半年了,活不了多长时间了,还争什么高低呢?” 桃符怒不可遏,反唇相讥。它们互相不服气,彼此骂不绝口,争吵不休。 这时候,门神出来劝解说:“我们都是因为没有什么本事,才依附在别人的门下,还争什么强,斗什么气呢?” Legends hold that Shu was the king of the south sea. Hu was the king of the North Sea, and Hun Dun was the king of the center. Shu and Hu often visited Hun Duns kingdom, and Hun Dun always gave them a feast. Shu and Hu decided1 to reciprocate报答,互换 his hospitality. They consulted with each other, saying, Every person has seven apertures4 eyes, nose, ears and mouth to see, hear, eat, and breathe, but Hun Dun does not have any. Lets drill the seven apertures孔径,开口 for him. Then they drilled an aperture3 each day, and on the seventh day, they completed the seven apertures but Hun Dun died. 传说故事中,南海的君王叫做“倏”,北海的君王叫做“忽”,中央的帝王叫做“浑沌”。 倏和忽经常在浑沌的国土上见面,浑沌总是很热情地款待它们。倏和忽准备报答浑沌,两人商量说:“人人都有七窍,用来听、吃饭、呼吸,唯独浑沌没有,我们试着给他凿出七窍来吧。” 于是它们一天凿出一个孔窍,到了第七天,七窍是凿成了,但浑沌也死了。 In spring, the mother pig took the little pig LuLu to the foot of the mountain. They planted some watermelon. When summ


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