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毕 业 论 文 新型二茂铁双酰腙化合物 的合成及表征 朱德亚 1304014144 学生姓名: 学号: 学 院: 化工与环境学院 化学工程与工艺 专 业: 马文兵 指导教师: 2017 年 6 月 新型二茂铁双酰腙化合物的合成及表征 摘 要 自二茂铁首次合成以来, 众多学者对其进行了深入研究。 二茂铁及其衍生物因 其具有独特的“三明治”型夹心结构,广泛应用于医药、催化剂、液晶材料、电化 学材料以及航天航空等领域。众所周知,酰腙化合物较易与过渡金属、稀土元素形 成配合物,并具有良好的生物活性。因此,进一步合成出新型二茂铁双酰腙化合物 具有一定的意义。 本论文以 1,1 ’-二茂铁双酰肼和芳香醛为原料, 冰乙酸为催化剂, 无水乙醇为溶 剂,在氩气氛围下,合成出 11 种 1,1 ’-二茂铁双酰腙化合物,并对目标化合物结构 进行红外表征、紫外测试。 关键词 :1,1 ’-二茂铁双酰腙,芳香醛,合成,表征 Synthesis and characterization of novel ferrocenyl hydrazone compounds Abstract Since the first synthesis of ferrocene, lots of scholars have done study depty. The ferrocene and derivatives have greatly in the field of medicine, catalyst, liquid crystal materials, electrochemical materials and aerospace due to have unique "sandwich" type sandwich structure. It is well known that acylhydrazone compounds are more likely to form complexes with transition metals and rare earth elements and have good biological activity. Therefore, it was that some significance to synthesize new ferrocene dihy- drazone compounds. In this paper, the 1,1'-ferrocene bis-hydrazide and aromatic aldehydes was raw materials, glacial acetic acid was catalyst and anhydrous ethanol was solvent. Under the argon atmosphere, 11 kinds of 1,1'-ferrocene bis acylhydrazone compounds were synthesized, and their structure were characterized by infrared characterization, UV testing. Key words: 1,1'-ferrocene diacylhydrazone, aromat


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