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关于第一次做饭的高中英语作文 I hate to say that, but it is really a terrible experience. I knew it again that I am an idiot of cooking. Yesterday, after we finished the cleaning of the kitchen, we decided to say goodbye to snack and cook delicious food. Thanks to my roommates friends, we had a wonderful lunch, but when it came to dinner, it was a nightmare, and I was the nightmare maker. Actually I started to feel uncomfortable when I stepped into the market. The smell there was so mawkish that I couldnt bear to stay there too long. I bought several things near the gate of the market: a weever, three pieces of doufu, five eggs, and five tomatoes. And then I called home to ask the way of cooking fish, but still felt unsure about it. When I came back home and put the dying fish into the pool, I was almost afraid to touch it, it was still alive! All I could to is just to wait. After a while, the poor fish was died and didnt move anymore. I washed it and put the fish into a dish which lay on a small bow suspending in the skillet. And then I perfused seasoning over the fish, put the cover on and turned on the fire to braise it. I think I was quite successful until that moment. Then I turned my attention to make some preparation of tomato soup and cook rice. When I finished these and opened the cover of the fish, waa~, I still remember that status very clearly. The dish fell into the water in the skillet, the seasoning was diffusing into the water, and the fish, sank down to the bottom of the skillet! The braised weever became another soup. But why it smelled so awful? And the fish tasted so unsavory? This beated me so much that I have no mood to make the remain dishes. I forgot to put peanut oil when I cooked doufu and put very little salt into the tomato soup. You can imagine what our dinner was like. I spend almost three hours including buying things in the market and still got such kind of meal! No wonder my parent ate



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