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2020-2021 年八年级英语下册任务型阅读专项练习经典( word) 一、八年级英语下册任务型阅读专项练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读短文,回答问题。 When this story happened, they were working around a very large house. Their job was to do the cleaning. It was not a difficult job, but sometimes it was a little dangerous, because they had to walk below where workmen were working. These workmen often dropped something from the top of the house many meters high to the ground. One morning Joe was working near the house with a cigarette (烟) behind one of his ears. Suddenly somebody on the top shouted, "Look out!" But Joe did not "look out". He looked up. And as he did so, a long knife missed Joe's head, but it cut off one of his cars. At once he put his hand to one side of his head and cried out, "I've lost an ear. Help! Help!" Jeff ran up to help his friend. "Look for my ear," Joe told him." It must be on the ground somewhere." Jeff looked everywhere for the missing ear. At last he found an ear on the ground. He picked it up and carried it to Joe. "Here you are", he said, "I've found it." Joe looked at it." No, that's not my ear." He said," Mine had a cigarette behind it" (1) What were Joe and Jeff? (2) How did Joe lose his ear? (3) At the end of the story, what did Jeff find? (4) What do you think of Joe? (5) What is the title for this passage? 【答案】 ( 1) They were cleaners. (2) A falling long knife cut it off. (3) He found Joe's ear. (4) He is silly. (5) A Lost Ear. 【解析】 【分析】文章大意:这篇短文中作者主要描述了城市清洁工在工地上打扫卫生时 的潜在危险:其中一名清洁工的耳朵被空中掉下来的一把刀砍掉。 ( 1)根据短文第一段第二句 Their job was to do the cleaning .可知,他们两人是清洁工; 故答案为: They were cleaners 。 ( 2)根据短文第二段中 And as he did so , a long knife missed Joe's head , but it cut off one of his ears.一句可知,乔的耳朵是被空中掉下来的一把刀砍掉的;故答案为: A falling knife cut it off 。 ( 3)根据 At last he found an ear on the ground 可知 Jeff 找到了乔的耳朵.故答案为: He found Joe's ear 。 ( 4)根据短文最后乔的话语 "No , that's not my ear . "he said , "Mine had a cigarette behind it."可知,他是比较愚笨的,耳朵都掉了香烟还能待在上面吗;故答案为: He is silly。 (5)根据短文内容可知,本文描述的是城市清洁工在工地上打扫卫生时的潜在危险;结 合本文的具体故事可知用


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