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小学英语童话小故事 In tc tung at the age of 17, dizhou tong ningbo effect real high school want to enter oneself for an examination. This middle school in zhejiang province is a famous school, particularly high entrance scores, and years only recruit New Year 3 students. Home all advised him not to good to be true, but with confidence dizhou tong said: I spell on a summer vacation, line! The examination results, tc tung indeed was admitted. He became effective real middle school the first ever new didnt go to school and earning grade three students. There is, however, many people still in speculation, like dizhou tong village wretched exactly can work with. The first semester has passed, tc tung only 45 points average total score, English is too bad. He dropped out of school mobilization or demotion. He holds the tears, trying to read a semester again repeated requests to the principal classes. After school reluctantly agreed to, he is with amazing perseverance to overcome learning difficulties. Morning before dawn, he would get up quietly, under the street light to read a foreign language; The classmates all slept at night, he still standing under the street light self-study lessons. Dean finds out, close the street lamp forced him into the house. He is unaware, proctor and ran to the toilet outside under the light of learning, the proctor also touched. In this way, he finally came up to the second semester, the total average of 70 points, geometry also got 100 points. Until old age, tc tung also recalled, he said: I know, Im not stupid than others. Others can do it, after work I can also do it. The world of genius, is acquired at the cost of labor and sweat. As long as fill the stomach, the animals are not afraid of anything. Eat a meal, can make them warm. Subcutaneous fat fat, is the warm down jacket. Even if the cold can penetrate fur and feathers, also absolutely cant get through the thick layer of fat under the skin. If food is abundant, t



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