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初中简单的优秀英语作文带翻译 大城市存在的问题The Problems That Big Cities Exist Every year, tens of thousands people crowd into the big cities to seek a decent living, a better job, a faster and more exciting life style. Take Beijing as an example, according the least research, the population in Beijing is more than twenty millions, and of 40% of them is not local. With the rapid growth of urban population, these big cities have many problems on their own. 每一年,成千上万的人涌入大城市去寻找体面的生活,更好的工作,更快更刺激的生活风格。以北京为例,通过最新的调查结果显示:该城市人口超过2000万,其中40%不是本地人口。随着城市人口的快速增加,这些大城市存在各种各样的问题。 The first problem is with more and more people flooding into the cities, the cities infrastructure such as public transportation, hospitals and school, can hardly meet the people’s need. The streets are full of private cars, traffic jams can be encounter at any moment. The hospitals are full of patients because the doctors are not enough. The housing price is extremely high that most people can not afford one with their whole life salary. It seems that the cities are on the brink of breaking down. 第一个问题就是随着越来越多的人进入城市,城市的基础设施比如公共交通、医疗设备及学校,很难满足人们的需求了。大街上都是私家车,随时随地都可能遭遇堵车的危险。医院里挤满了病患,因为医生忙不过来。房价特别的高,大多数人赚一辈子的钱都不能买到属于自己的房子。看起来,城市处在崩溃的边缘。 The second problem is the nature environment of cities. The air pollution, fresh water shortage and noise pollution are worse than ever. In order to have more space to build skyscrapers and infrastructure, trees are cutting down and lakes are land filling. The endless flow traffic makes harsh noise that people even can not sleep well at night. What’s worse, the fog and haze is surrounding the cities, the children can not go outside to play, the people have to put on breathing masks if they go outside. The air of the cities is unbreathable to some extent. 第二个问题是自然环境问题。空气污染、淡水短缺、噪音污染比之前更为严重。为了能有更多的空地建造摩天大楼和基础设施,树木被砍伐。湖泊被填埋。川流不息的车子发出刺耳的噪音,人们在晚上都不能睡个好觉。更为严重的是,雾霾笼罩着整个城市,小孩子不能出去玩,人们出门一定得带口罩。城市中的空气,从某种程度上来说,已经不能供给人们呼吸了。 There are also o


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