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英语作文小学我的业余爱好带翻译 I am a small book fans, the amount of daily reading a lot more than ordinary students do it To this end, my daily homework can always be completed efficiently, and thus squeeze out a little time to read, so that my knowledge may be more than the average classmate. The title of my little bookworm is not worthy of the name, but worthy of the name. From small to large, I have been very well behaved, parents worry that I am too lonely, and I bought a few phonetic books for me. At first I rarely touch him, and later I found that these books are very nice. Gradually, I fell in love with the book. In the fourth grade, I learned to write, because my imagination is very rich, so my writing fame began to ring, at the same time, my bookworm fame also rang up, for this, I was excited for a while. Later, I think about it, this is more than I read the book to get the benefits. Since I was fascinated by reading books, my bookcase in the collection is also significantly increased, so I practiced the speed of reading, had a record five books a day read. Parents afraid of my old reading in the room, see bad eyes, see bad constitution, always advise me to go out to play, I always rely on the chair do not want to go, parents also took me no way, had to let the I. Do you say that my hobbies are not very simple? It is also very simple to do, than the general hobby and effort a lot, because so, I am more interested in this hobby. 我可是个小书迷,每天的读书量可比一般同学多不少呢。为此,我每天的作业总能高效率完成,从而挤出一点时间用来阅读,使我知识可能比一般同学多。我这个小书虫的称号可不是徒有虚名的而是名副其实的。从小到大,我一直就十分乖巧,父母担心我太孤单了,便为我买了几本注音读物。开始我很少去碰他,后来我发现其实这些书挺好看的。渐渐的,我就爱上了书。在四年级时,我学会了写作,因为我的想象力十分丰富,所以我的作文名声开始响起来,同时,我的书虫名声也响了起来,为此,我还兴奋了好一阵子。后来我仔细想想,这多是我多读了书得到的好处。 自从我迷上了看书,我书柜中的藏书也明显增多了,所以我练出了看书的速度,曾破记录一天看了5本书。父母怕我老在房间中看书,看坏了眼睛,看坏了体质,就总是劝我多出去玩玩,我却总赖在椅子上不愿意走,父母也拿我没办法,只得让着我。 你说我的兴趣爱好是不是很简单?做起来也十分简单,比一般的爱好又省力不少,因为这样,我更对这个爱好更感兴趣了。 It is said that when I was very young, I heard the sound of music, wi


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