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精品范文模板,值得参考借鉴! 第 PAGE \* Arabic 1页/共 NUMPAGES \* Arabic 2页 常用英语口语资料 常用英语口语资料 对于英语,我们需要把陌生的单词片语和句型不断的熟悉和熟练,使之成为我们的一种习惯,把它变成我们的第二天性。因此,重复重复再重复,熟练熟练再熟练,是学会英语的不二法门。下面是给大家整理的一些常用英语口语的学习资料,希望对大家有所帮助。 关于最常用的英语口语对话 A: So cute. Their babys photos replace wedding photos in a twinkling. 好可爱啊,朋友们小宝宝的照片转瞬间取代了婚纱照。 B: You got married as well, and you are a mother-to-be, arent you? 你也结婚了,已经是准妈妈了吧。 A: Its still early. I am quite depressed at the thought of being houseslave after child slave. 还早呢。想到“做了房奴再做孩奴”,真是太囧了。 B: When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a great man, italways first frustrates his spirit and will, exhausts his muscles and bones. 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨。 A: We who born in eighties are under a lot of pressure. It is hard for usto juggle both job and children. 我们80后压力很大,家庭事业难兼顾啊。 B: Nay. I got that so many female employees choose to get pregnant as soonas possible to avoid being fired in the light of economic crisis. Chinas laborlaw stipulates that a company should not fire a pregnant employee unless thecompany is insolvent. 非也,我听说经济危机之下许多女性员工为了避免被裁员选择快速怀孕,因为我国劳动法规定破产情况以外,公司不得解雇怀孕员工。 A: the rush-to-get-pregnant tribe? I dont know and I dont care. “闪孕族”吗?我不知道也懒得知道。 B: You might at least care about the current events. 至少应该关心一下新闻时事啊。 A: It is enough to have a happy-go-lucky manner and clear conscience. 乐天知命,无愧于心,这就够了。 B: Im quite abashed. 我汗。 最常用的英语口语对话 Bree: For God’s sake! It’s too bloody. How can people be so cruel? 天哪!太血腥了。人怎么可以这么残忍呢? Ethan: Not at all. I think the tattoos are so cool and chic. I have neverseen those in my entire life. Have you? 没有啊。我觉得这些纹身很酷也很时髦。我这辈子没见过这样的东西。 Bree: You can’t prick the fish to please the sick tastes of some bloodypeople. 可是你不能为了满足一些人的变态的需求,就在这些鱼身上刺字啊。 Ethan: Honey, you are under too much stress. It’s just an animal. 亲爱的,你压力太大了。它只是一个动物而已。 Bree: Just an animal? But it has life too. If you


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