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关于我的假期的英语作文及译文 I had a wonderfulspring festival holiday.I went to the park with my friends.We met at eight o‘clock at the school gate.We went to the park by bike.It was a sunnyday.We sat under a big tree and talkedwith each other.We talked about some movies andfunny things.Then we hadhamburgers and some drinks for lunch.Then we played some games. We went home at 5pm.Although we were all fell tired,we were very happy.It was great fun! 我度过了一个愉快的春节。我和朋友去了公园。我们八点在校门口碰面,然后我们就骑自行车去公园。那是个晴朗的日子,我们坐在一棵大树下互相聊天。我们聊了一些电影和趣事。然后我们午餐就去吃了些汉堡喝了些饮料。接着我们玩了些游戏。 下午五点我们就回家了。尽管我们都觉得很累,但是我们很开心。真是太有趣了! May Day is the International Labor Day. I have a short holiday from April 29 to May 1. My parents planned to travel to Sanya, but it was too hot to visit there. Therefore, we just canceled the plan but stayed at home. On the first morning, I went out with my friends and played basketball. We did not play basketball for a long time, so we had a great time together. Afternoon, my mom didnt let me out because of the hot weather. So I have to be at home and finish my homework. Surprisingly, my grandparents visited us on April 30. It was the Spring Festival when I saw them last time. I missed them a lot. In the two days, we went to the parks and zoo during the day. At night, we watched TV together and talked. My grand parents cared about my study and asked some questions about it. I told them that I studied hard and that they didnt have to worry about me. I spent a happy holiday. 五一节是国际劳动节。从4月29号到5月1号我们享有一个短暂的假期。我父母计划去三亚旅游,但是去哪旅游太热了。因此,我们取消了计划待在家里。第一天早上,我和朋友出去打篮球。我们没有打很长时间,我们一起度过了愉快的时光。下午,我妈妈不让我出去因为天气太热了。所以我不得不待在家做作业。令我惊讶的是,我爷爷奶奶4月30号来看望我们。我上次见到他们是春节的时候了,我很想念他们。那两天,我们白天去了公园和动物园。晚上我们就在一起看电视聊天。爷爷奶奶很关心我的学习,问了一些关于学习的问题。我告诉他们我学习很努力,叫他们不用担心。我度过了一个快乐的假期。 The winter holiday is coming. I am very excited. I want to better my holiday plan. Now let me tell you my plan. I’m going to read some books and listen to music and relax for a few days first. On the fifth day, I’m going t


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