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chapter 4 Deep structure deviationrefers to semantic deviation. It is linguistic effect,which involves something odd in meaning of a linguistic unit,i.e. a word or a phrase. Contradiction(矛盾) A type of semantic deviation which conveys self-conflicting information。 Oxymoron(矛盾修饰法、逆喻,如cruel kindness) Oxymoron refers to the yoking(结合) together of two expressions that are not compatible(可以并存、相容) in the normal sense,so that in combination they have no conceivable(可想到、可相信) literal reference in reality. Examples:as the wretched creature mumbled and chuckled in her hideous merriment,the undertaker turned to go away.(Oliver Twist) Analysis:The surface contradiction of the two words hideousand merriment aptly shows the extent of the old woman’s idiocy. Paradox:似是而非隽语a statement陈述 which is absurd荒谬 because it self-evidently false,a seemingly contradictory statement that nonetheless may be true. Examples:it was a bright,cold day in April,and the clocks were striking thirteen. Analysis:the second clause of the sentence is a statement that is extremely absurd for in reality no clock strikes beyond twelve. Through the use of the paradox,Orwell seems to hint that the whole story will be absurd. Transference转移:As a literary practice it refers to the use of language which leads people’s comprehension理解 to the figurative 形象plane.原则、水平 Synecdoche提喻法:the figure of speech that uses a part to refer to the whole,or to use a particular thing of a kind to refer to the whole species or kind or vice versa. Return to her? No,rather I abjure all roofs and choose… To be a comrade with the wolf and owl. Shakespeare,the taming of the shrew Here,roofs refer to whole houses or buildings. Metonymy:a type of transference,which involves substitution of an attribute of a certain thing for the whole rather than the substitution relationship between the part and the whole. Example: “the kettle boils”refers to “the water in the kettle boils” Sometimes,the idea would have been expressed mush less effective


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