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牛津英语单词与重点句型; Chapter1 Making friends rugby n.橄榄球运动 title n. 标题 greeting n. 问候 signature n. 签名;form n. 年级 friendly = kind adj. 友好的 be keen on = be interested in 对……着迷 Physics n.物理学; ;rat n. 老鼠 age n. 年龄 excellent adj. 优秀的;twice a month look up;重点句型:;5.I walk to school.=I go to school on foot. ;Chapter 2 Our daily life; ;attend =go to; be present v. 参加 club n.俱乐部;社团;dentist n. 牙医 manager n. 经理; energy 能量;精力 force 力量;balcony n. in charge of;be similar to twice a week;重点句型:; ;Chapter 3 Troubles;purse 钱包 missing 遗失的;rather 相当 weight 体重;solider 士兵 discover 发现;run away=eacape逃跑 go after=walk after\run after 追逐;重点句型:;;;Chapter 4 The world of numbers;Multiply 乘 times 乘;Invent发明 especially尤其、特别;Indian印度人 develop发展;electronic电子的 square root 平方根;check instruction;rise上升 at least至少;in many different ways start from;4.The invention of the zero helped people write big numbers and calculate more easily.;;Chapter 5 Beyond time and space(Ⅰ);land登陆 unknown未知;steel钢 bar长条;棒;suggestion建议 intention目的;suitable合适的 quiz智力游戏;;land on go out of;5.What are you going to do tomorrow?;;Chapter 6 Time and space (Ⅱ);interrupt打岔,插嘴 otherwise不然;否则;crash坠毁;失事 Mars火星;blanket 毯子 importance 重要(性);be out of the cage =come out of the cage


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