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侃侃意思英语单词大全 从周四后半天直到周六,一直的侃侃而谈。 From the latter part of Thursday on through to Saturday, talk up a storm. 侃侃 自己的眼睛。她坐在那里,她已经和在看我们,很自然的事在做,我应该,因为杰西卡仍然侃侃与当地有关 Cullens 她的闲话。 She was sitting right where she had been before, and looking at us, a natural thing to be doing, I supposed, as Jessica was still regaling her with the local gossip about the Cullens. 侃侃 请允许我利用这封公开信向各位网友传达我真挚的歉意, 因为我已决定辞去外语侃侃版块版主一职。 Please allow me to take this public letter to extend my sincere apology to all of you, my dear e-friends, because I have decided to resign the current post in responsible of this English Discussion Sector. 4. danci.911cha. 舒舒服服坐在这里,与两位这么好的年轻女子娱乐整整一个晚上,事儿演奏音乐,时而侃侃而谈,真实莫大的享受。 I do not know a more luxurious state, sir, than sitting at one's ease to be entertained a whole evening by two such young women; sometimes with music and sometimes with conversation. 911 查询·英语单词 他们说起话来都充满自信、侃侃而谈,虽然引人入胜,但也可能会得罪别人。 They both spoke with a characteristic self-assuredness that could fascinate as well as exasperate. 6. danci.911cha. 但两党都没有对将来哪些非金融产业能引领发展提出建设性建议,尽管他们对绿色工作侃侃而谈, 并对重启制造业抱有朦胧的期望。 Neither party has a persuasive vision of which non-financial sectors will drive growth in future, though both talk modishly of green jobs and yearn nebulously for Britain to start making things again. 你在那儿侃侃而谈啊 You're weaseling your way right in there. 里边有五六群人在指手画脚地高声侃侃而谈, 在人流中不肯挪动一步;其他人排成队走着,他们的脚后跟重重地踏在打蜡的地板上。 Five or six groups of men, talking very loudly and gesticulating, were obstinately discussing the play amid these violent interruptions; others were filing round, their heels, as they turned, sounding sharply on the waxed floor. 在《花都开好了》的春天,我和他在《爱情的海洋》上划船谈心,侃侃而谈着《斗牛士之歌》,现在的我觉得和他是《恋人未满》的关系。 Generally speaking, i am a hard working student especially do the thing i am interested in. i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. 在追求业绩的销售人员和侃侃而谈的市场人员之间,摩擦不可避免的产生了。 Rackham argues that panies need to do more than simply align sales and marketing better. 但让我侃侃而谈的告诉你们,就算是世界末日我也不会放弃的


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