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关于暑假计划的英语作文简单点 Six years of elementary school life have been a long and long summer vacation. During the summer holiday, we went to junior high school. During the summer vacation, I must do something meaningful to put a full stop to elementary school life. In junior high school, you have to face the exam. So, in this holiday, I must study hard and make a study plan. Do 1 in the morning -- 2 papers. Chinese, math, English. Keep a diary in the afternoon and read the newspaper. Every day must be done on time. The body is the money of the revolution. Exercise your body to strengthen your body. Proper rest is good for the health of mind and body. So, I plan to get up at 6:30 am, play badminton and do some exercise. Do at least one chore each day. Sleep for an hour every day. Play in the yard in the afternoon or play computer. Thats what I thought. I made these into a schedule. Summer vacation schedule table Morning: at 6:30 a.m., breakfast at 7:30 and watch TV at 11:30 Noon: eat lunch at 12:00, sleep at 2:00 and get up 3:30 to do homework Later: play computer at 9:00am to sleep The final exam is over and the summer vacation is coming. In order for the summer vacation to make sense, I have the following plans. 1, exercise. Take part in the schools summer football team, and stick to playing badminton, tennis, basketball, volleyball and cycling every day to make your body better and stronger. Im going to finish my homework and review what I have learned. 3, if I was the exam, as a bonus, mom and dad took me to Beijing to play, see the beauty of the Great Wall, the imperial palace, tianan front teeth, the China millennium monument, water cube and other attractions, for students to share a lot of photos. This is my summer vacation plan. 期末考试完了,暑假就要来了。为了让暑假过得有意义,我有以下打算。 1、锻炼身体。参加学校的暑假足球队,每天坚持和爸爸打羽毛球、网球、篮球、排球,骑自行车,让身体更棒、更强壮。 2、我要把老师布置的作业做完,复习已学过的课本知识。 3、如果我考试考得好,作为奖励,爸爸妈妈带我去北京玩,看看美丽的长城、故宫、天安门牙、中华世纪坛、水立方等景点,拍很多很


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