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PAGE PAGE 3 2020年山东省枣庄市中考真题英语 第I 卷 第一部分 听力 略 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 完形填空 阅读下面短文,捕捉其大意,然后从16~25各题所给的四个选项(ABCD)中,选出最佳选项。 Henry Bond was about ten years old when his father died. His mother found it 16 to provide for a large family. By good management, however, she 17 to do so, and also to send Henry, the oldest, to school, and to buy him, for the most parts such books as he needed. At one time, however. Henry wanted a 18 in order to join a class, and his mother could not 19 him with the money to buy it. He was very much troubled about it, and went to bed with a heavy heart, thinking what could be done. __20 he woke in the morning, he found that a deep snow had fallen, and the cold wind was blowing 21 . “Ah,” said he, “every problem brings an advantage for some people,” He rose, ran to the house of a neighbor, and offered his service to dear a path around his house. The 22 was accepted. When he had completed this work, and received his pay, he went to __23 place for the same purpose, and then to another, until he had gotten enough money to buy a grammar. When school began, Henry was 24 his seat, the happiest boy there, ready to begin the lesson in his new book. From that time, Henry was always the first in all his classes. He knew no such word as fail, but always 25 in all he tried. Having the will, he always found the way. 16. A. successful B. easy C. difficult D. important 解析:考查形容词及语境理解。句意:他的母亲发现很难养活这么一个大家庭。successful成功的; easy容易的; difficult困难的;important重要的。联系上句Henry Bond was about ten years old when his father died可知该选C。 答案:C 17. A. agreed B. managed C. decided D. tried 解析:考查动词及语境理解。句意:然而,她决定这样做。agreed同意; managed管理;decided决定; tried努力。根据句意结合语境可知该选C。 答案:C 18. A. seat B. notebook C. schoolbag D. grammar 解析:考查名词及语境理解。句意:然而,亨利为了加入一个班想要一本语法书。seat座位;notebook笔记本; schoolbag书包;grammar语法。根据in order to join a class,可推知想买一本语法书,所以选D。 答案:D 19. A. provide B. protect C. promise D. produce 解析:考查动词及语境理解。句意:他的妈妈不能


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