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英语高一作文题材集锦 高考记忆 The Memory About College Entrance Exam The college entrance exam is a big exam for students, they have learned so many years for the purpose of entering the college. For most person, they have the very deep impression about the big exam, it has changes so many people’s destinies. I had taken part in the exam, I remember it clearly, the situation just like happened yesterday. I studied so hard, in those days that were nearing the exam, all the students focus their attention on the study, we fought together. The paper and the books were piled up our desks, when I entered the classroom, I hardly could see my classmates’ heads. Though it was the tough days for us, we felt happy, because we fought for our future, we believe what we do will bring us a promising future. These memories will linger on my mind forever. 高考对于学生来说是一个大的考试,他们已经学了那么多年,目的是考上大学。对于大部分人来说,他们对于这个重大的考试有很深的印象,它改变了很多人的命运。我已经参加了高考,我能清楚地记得它,那情形就像发生在昨天。我很努力学习,在那些接近考试的日子,所有的学生都集中他们的精力来学习,我们一起奋斗。那些书本和试卷堆满了我们的桌子,当我今日教室时,我几乎看不到同学的头。虽然那些日子很艰苦,但是我们觉得很开心,因为我们为未来奋斗,我们相信所做的会让我们的将来更加的明朗。这些记忆将永存在我的脑海里。 电影中的美人鱼 Mermaid in the Movie In Denmark’s fairy tale, mermaid is the symbol of beauty, kindness and pureness. The story of little mermaid moves people, she sacrifices herself and saves the prince. But in the modern movies, mermaid subverts people’s recognition, it is the symbol of evil. In the movie, the mermaids are still beautiful outside and they use their faces and beautiful voice to lure the human beings. When people get close to them, they will change their faces and eat them. What’s the mermaid’s real face, angle or evil?We don’t know, it has the different faces among different people. Mermaid lives in the fairy tale, for kids, they just need to believe in its beautiful sides. 在丹麦的童话故事里,美人鱼是美丽,善良和纯洁的象征。小美人鱼的故事感动了很多人,她牺牲了自己,救了王子。但是在现代的电影里,美人鱼颠覆了人们的认识,它是魔鬼的象征。在电影里,美人鱼外表很漂亮,它们用外表和动听的歌声来引诱人们接近。当人们接近它们,美人鱼就会变脸,并且吃人。美人鱼的真正脸面是什么,天使还是魔鬼?我们不知道


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