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描写春节的假期英语作文 春节英语作文1 Looking forward to! Looking forward to! Finally hope to celebrate the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival people have to set off firecrackers, and stick couplets on the Spring Festival, eat family reunion dinner, to the New Years money, watch Spring Festival gala. We ate the family reunion dinner, the family reunion dinner eats reunion and happiness. Reunion dinner! I quickly ran to the table a look, wow! Delicacies! Have a sweet and delicious chicken, is a symbol of the reunion of yuanxiao, is a symbol of the year for fish, and rice cakes symbolize the stripes. We toasts, tell oneself the wishes and desires of the heart. After the meal, we cant wait to open the TV to see the Spring Festival gala. People with melon seeds, while gossip. Spring Festival gala show is wonderful! A thrilling acrobatics, magic, let a person produce curiosity have laugh and then ponder the sketch, and graceful dance. See I was ecstasy! Of course the most attract me or set off firecrackers. Watching the Spring Festival gala, we were attracted by colorful world outside, my sister and I a downstairs also set off firecrackers. Just go on, dad took us to buy that took out a string of firecrackers, with lighter lit fireworks, listen to bang, a small ball of fire for the day, pa little fireball exploded in the air, flying the Martian sky colorful ornament. See here, we danced cheered, everyone is immersed in a piece of laughter. On New Years eve, really makes me unforgettable! I will remember this beautiful moment! 盼啊!盼啊!终于盼到过春节了。过春节大家都要放鞭炮、贴春联、吃团圆饭、给压岁钱、看春晚。 我们先吃团圆饭,团圆饭吃的是团圆、幸福。吃团圆饭了!我急忙跑到饭桌上一看,哇!“山珍海味”啊!有香甜可口的鸡肉,有象征着团圆的元宵,有象征着年年有余的鱼,还有象征着步步高升的年糕。我们举杯畅饮,说出自己心里的祝福和愿望。 酒足饭饱以后,我们迫不及待的打开电视来看春晚。大家一边嗑着瓜子,一边说着闲话。春晚的节目真精彩!有惊心动魄的杂技,有让人产生好奇心的魔术,有发笑后又令人深思的小品,还有优美的舞蹈。看得我都入迷了! 当然最吸引我的还是放鞭炮。看完春晚,我们被外面“五彩缤纷的世界”吸引住了,我和妹妹一家也下楼放鞭炮了。刚下去,爸爸就把我们买的那一大串鞭炮拿了出来,用打火机点着烟花的导火线,只听“砰”的一声,一个小火球直冲上天,“啪”小火球在空中炸开了,飞散的.火星点缀得天空绚丽多彩。看到这里


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