新译林版英语六年级上册第七单元 Protect the earth.ppt

新译林版英语六年级上册第七单元 Protect the earth.ppt

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Public bikes Do you want to be a volunteer to protect the Earth? 你想成为一名“保护地球志愿者” 吗? Task1. Know something about the Earth. Task2. Get ideas to protect the Earth. Task3. Make a report to tell others. 观看动画,再从文中圈出表明地球现状的关键词。 观看动画,再从文中圈出表明地球现状的关键词。 Task1. Know something about the Earth. Task2. Get ideas to protect the Earth. Task3. Make a report to tell others. Task2-1:Think and write Task2-3: Let’s judge We should not use cloth(布)bags. Task1. Know something about the Earth. Task2. Get ideas to protect the Earth. Task3. Make a report to tell others. Task1. Know something about the Earth. Task2. Get ideas to protect the Earth. Task3. Make a report to tell others. Homework 听读、背诵课文; 自主学习Unit7的其他版块内容; 了解更多保护地球的方法,完善报告并 进行宣传。 Task3:Make a report 小组合作,每组完成一个主题后进行交流展示,结集成册。 Step1 Discuss. Step2 Write down. Step3 Talk in groups. Step4 Show in class. You should… * Unit 7 Protect the Earth (Story Time) 泰州市实验小学 王雪蓉 the Earth You should… What’s on the Earth? Task1-1:Magic eyes many much water oil wood plastic cups trees cars coal paper paper bags Task1-2:Words’ home They are useful. We use…to… Task1-3: Watch and find What’s wrong with the Earth? not much… Task1-3: Watch and find not much water not too many trees not much coal or oil too much plastic Task1-3: Watch and find What’s wrong with the Earth? Task1-4: True or false 完成书后P.70的判断。 T F T T F You should… not much water Save water not too many trees Save trees not much coal or oil Save energy too much plastic Don’t use too much plastic 细读课文,完成书后P.70的填空。 Task2-1:Think and write How to protect the Earth? ? ? ? ? What should /should not we do? reuse water energy drive trees trees plastic glass paper waste Save water Water is useful. We drink water and use water to clean things every day. In many places, there is not much water. We should not waste water. We should reuse and save it. 模仿跟读,注意标注的朗读符号。 ∕ ∕ ∕ . . . . . . . . . . . .


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