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小学圣诞节英语作文范文 小学英语圣诞节作文 Pursuit of the perfect idol the same time, same time talented idols, the legendary weapons of China want to learn, everything is magic will be cool again. Christmas party in laughter came to a close, just like that. Recall JiYuTong they elaborate scene, in the mind... So, let us together with an endless again! This Christmas is precious, it is beautiful, but also we spent in primary school the last Christmas, meaningful! In the afternoon, when we all walked into the classroom, having a unique style when everyone excited, when the classroom becomes hot, the Christmas party has officially kicked off. We fight, itch to try. One funny show who is happy, sweet, make us all to my memory. We join together to sing the inverse fight, where dad, I believe and other songs; The forms of performance respectively, and the most to my favorite one show, is Wu Andi and Qiao Xinran acting funny sketch - many problems. This essay makes us burst into laughter, she classic lines to our delicious, relish! Such as: Xu Zhao outcrop, audience friends must worry; Xu Zhao two outcrops, crosstalk from the impressive; Xu Zhao 3 outcrop, frighten to death a cow in the field. Xu Zhao four outcrop, the national peoples jump off a building. And learning is not outstanding, literature and art is not outstanding, lumbar shoulder dish outstanding, do not speak in class, the meeting is not speak, flat conductor yan. More online games such as study, dont dine. The college entrance examination examination of six or seven door, lack of a selective college door... Listen to the humorous language, how can not happy? ! And I am the audience also turned into performer. Sang together with Wu Andi, Qiao Xinran and JiYuTong TimeZ idol same time. Also became the last a finale performance! 翻译: “追求完美的偶像万万岁,才华洋溢的偶像万万岁,十八般武艺每一样都要学,会变魔术又会耍炫。”圣诞联欢会就这样在欢声笑语中落下了帷幕。回想起冀宇童她们精心布置的场景,历历在目……那么,就让我们再在一起回味无穷吧! 这个圣诞节是珍贵的,是美丽的,更是我们在小学阶段度过的最后一个圣诞节,意义非凡! 下午,当我们每


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