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Unit 10 When was it made ? 单项填空。 There are about two ___ students in our school. thousands of B. thousand of C. thousand D. thousands The concert is nice. There were ___ people there. Most of them were young students. thousands of B. thousand of C. thousand D. thousands ___ ago, there were ___ in this forest, but now things are different. A few hundreds of years, thousands of tigers A few hundred years, thousands tigers A few hundreds of, thousand of tiger A few hundreds of, thousands of tiger The things in the museum were ___ ago. several hundreds years B. several hundred years several hundreds years D. several hundred year 用can, mustn’t, can’t, must 填空。 Look, the light in the bedroom is still on. Mr Black ___ be at home. Half an hour ago, I received my uncle’s telephone call from Sichuan, so he ___ be in the United States. You ___ play in the streets. It’s too dangerous. Please don’t skate on the thin ice. It ___ be dangerous. The radio says it is fine today. So it ___ be rainy. There aren’t any classes today. He ___ be in the classroom now. 用lie, lay, laid 填空。 He was very tired. As soon as he got home, he ____________ on his bed and went to sleep. Nobody would believe him because he often __________ . Shanghai ______________ in the east of China. These ducks __________ five big eggs last night. He was ill and _____________ in bed yesterday. lie B. lay C. lying D. laid 用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。 I hear that bridge _________________ (make) of wood. English _________________ (teach) in our school. Where the wolf first ________________ (see) by the farmer? This museum ________________ (build) in 1955. Teapots _____________ (use) for keeping the tea warm. The new teacher __________________ (give) a warm welcome by the students when he came into the classroom. 单项填空。 Kate ___ your dictionary on your desk. lies B. lay C. laid D. leid Bell was very great. He ___ the telephone. found B. found out C. discovered D. invented Dinosaurs disappeared ___ yea


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