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高一英语必修② Unit 1 Cultural relics 练习题 词汇及对话 Ⅰ. 根据所给的首字母或中文写出正确的单词形式。 1. The TV set was r from the living room to the bedroom. 2. The room was prepared for the r of the honoured guests. 3. His statement to the police was used in e against him. 4. It is said that the vase they found yesterday dates back to the Ming D . 5. I can’t s on ¥30 a week, which means it is not enough for my basic needs. 6. Those presents are too (奇特的)for me. 7. Jenny should have kept her word. I (不知)why she changed her mind. 8. The robot (设计)and made in China is of the advanced level in the world. 9. The room was small and contained far too much (家具). 10. There can be no (怀疑)that I am fit for this job. Ⅱ. 根据情境及中文提示, 完成下面的对话。 A: Excuse me. B: ?(有事吗) A: I have a ticket to Tokyo. How can I get there as soon as possible? B: (让我看看) What airline is it on? Oh, China Air. That’s all right. I’ll see what we have this afternoon. Yes, here you are. There is a flight leaving at 2:40, arriving at 5:15. ?(行吗) A: That’s fine. B: All right. I’ll change your ticket. Do you have baggage to check in? A: . (这是我的行李) B: Just put it here. A: Thank you very much. 综合练习 Ⅰ.单项填空:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Some of the stamps me, while the rest are his and hers. A. belong B. are belonged to C. are belonging to D. belong to 2. Most people who have AIDS manage to only a few years after they get the disease. A. live B. survive C. last D. go on 3. Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health poor. A. remains B. appears C. seems D. grows 4. I didn’t like the way he looked at me. A. in which B. that C. 不填 D. all the above 5. At that time, China was Japan, so traveling was extremely difficult. A. at the war with B. at w


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