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三年级毕业标准化 模拟题(A) 1. 比较下列各组单词画线部分的读音,找出与其他三个发音不同的词(10%) ^1. A. w/i/ndy B. wh/i/te C. wh/i/le D. wr/i/te #A ^2. A. n/o/thing B. br/o/ther C. sh/o/p D. w/o/nderful #C ^3. A. comp/u/ter B. m/u/sic C. h/u/rry D. us/u/ally #C ^4. A. pl/ea/sant B. th/ea/tre C. r/ea/lly D. r/ea/l #A ^5. A. c/or/ner B. /or/dinary C. rep/or/t D. w/or/th #D ^6. A. t/ear/ B. f/ear/ C. b/ear/ D. n/ear/ #C ^7. A. /ch/alk B. /ch/emistry C. /ch/eap D. /ch/ange #B ^8. A. /g/eneral B. pa/g/e C. /g/uess D. knowled/g/e #C ^9. A. nei/th/er B. /th/ick C. toge/th/er D. whe/th/er #B ^10. A. /y/oung B. /y/ourself C. /y/ellow D. t/y/pe #D 2. 指出下列各句A,B,C,D中拼错的词(10%) ^11. The /Yellow/ /River/ is 5,464 /kilomitres/ /long/. #C ^12. She /desided/ to give /piano/ /lessons/ to rich /children/. #A ^13. /Professer/ /Edison/ didnt teach me /biology/ at the /university/. #A ^14. I /wander/ /which/ /composition/ is /written/ by Li Ping. #A ^15. The man /asked/ the /policeman/ if he could tell him how to get to the / nearest/ /resteurant/. #D ^16. The /scintist/ asked them not to /destroy/ the /wild/ /plants/. #A ^17. Mother /told/ me not to /spent/ any more time on that /difficult/ /problem/. #B ^18. The /Arab/ /neither/ saw the /camol/ nor /heard/ anything about it. #C ^19. /History/ is as /intresting/ as /geography/, but its more /difficult/. #B ^20. The /officiel/ told the /farmers/ to stop /killing/ the wild /animals/ at once. #A 3. 选择正确的答案(29%) ^21. She is proud of ____ country and we are proud of ____. A. her ... ours B. hers ... our C. hers ... ours D. her ... our #A ^22. John arrived at 8:00 and Helen arrived at 7:00. John was the ____ to arrive. A. first B. second C. one D. beginning #B ^23. I opened the letter and it contained(包含) ____. A. an important information B. important information C. the important information D. a important information #B ^24. Neither Bill nor his parents ____ at home. A. is B. has C. was D. are #D ^25. The subject of politics ____ always interested him. A. has B. have C. are D. is #


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