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焦化工序能耗预测与优化模型的研究与实现 焦化工序能耗预测与优化模型的研究与实现 摘要 由于能源资源的日趋紧张和工业发展所需能源的日益增加,人们越来越重视对能源的合理使用。作为工业能耗大户的钢铁企业,也把能源管理问题视为重点。其中焦炭作为冶金、机械、化工等行业的主要原料和燃料,其在钢铁制造流程中的作用非常重大。作为焦炭的生产单元,焦化工序是整个钢铁制造流程中的重点工序,其能源消耗也深受重视,其中焦炉炼焦所消耗的能源占整个焦化工序能源净消耗量的92%左右,所以对其能耗进行预测与优化对降低焦化工序乃至整个钢铁制造流程都具有重大意义。 本文旨在对焦化工序中的焦炉炼焦生产过程的能耗预测与优化进行研究。首先,对采集到的原始样本数据进行预处理,结合实际生产情况与数据规律,对数据进行一些分析和单位化处理;然后,应用模糊逻辑推理技术,建立以大焦、洗精煤(配合煤)质量指标为输入,焦炉煤气(产出)、高炉煤气、电、蒸汽为输出的预测模型;最后,以能耗最低为目标函数,使用多元回归的方法建立能耗优化模型的约束条件,建立能耗优化模型,使在已知洗精煤(配合煤)质量指标的条件下,求取能耗的最优解,并得出此时各消耗能源之间的配比。 本文以某钢铁企业焦炉炼焦生产过程为研究对象,对上述主要的研究给予实例分析验证。 关键词:焦化、能耗预测、能耗优化 Tongji University Master of Science in Engineering Abstract Tongji University Master of Science in Engineering Abstract PAGE II ABSTRACT Due to the shortage of energy resources and the increasing requirement on energy in industrial development day by day, there is a growing emphasis on the effective utilization of energy. As the big energy consumers, steel enterprises also focus attention on the energy management problem. Coke, as the main raw material and fuel in the metallurgy, machinery, chemical industry, plays an important role on the steel manufacturing process. As production unit of coke, coking-process is the key point process in the whole steel manufacturing process, its energy consumption also very seriously. The energy consumed in Coke oven unit accounts for about 92% of entire coking-process energy consumption, therefore, energy consumption prediction and optimization are great significance to reduce the energy consumption of coking-process, and even the entire steel manufacturing process. This paper mainly focuses on energy consumption forecast and optimization of coking-process. First, we collect original sample data from the information system, and then combined with the actual production conditions and data regularity, take some analysis and uniting of the original sample data. Secondly, establish a prediction model whose inputs include the quality indexes of the coke and the cleaned coal,


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