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;Sum-up;Warm-up/Revision; people;arrive; child;【单数】 woman 女人;【单数】 man 男人;游戏时间;;People in Beijing;A young woman is singing. Some old women are dancing.;;2.Look and match.; 重点句型;Practice;;;;单复数变化;重点句型;Homework;;Sum-up;; easy;difficult (形容词)困难的;hurt (动词)(使)受伤;感到疼痛; worry; sad;游戏时间;;On the square; “Some men are flying kites!” says Danny. “Let’s fly a kite.” “This is easy,” says Jenny.; “Poor Danny! Are you okay?” asks Jenny. “No! I hurt my arm!” answers Danny. Don't worry. I can help you,” says Jenny. “Thanks,” Danny says.;Let’s do it!;In picture B, there is one man. He is singing.;There is … She is….; Let’s fly a kite. 我们放风筝吧。; ;重点词汇;重点句型; 查阅资料,总结至少三个北京著名景点的英文名称。;;Sum-up;There is … She is…; sunny; beautiful; old; about; take; beside; careful; poor;游戏时间;;At the Palace Museum;Danny: Let's look in the window! Li Ming:What do you see? Jenny:I see some chairs and tables. They are old. Danny:May I takeyour picture, Jenny? Jenny:Sure. Danny:And your picture, too, Li Ming. Please stand beside Jenny.;Danny! Be careful!;Let’s do it!;2. What colour is the palace? ________________________________;;Let’s sing!;Practice;;;重点词汇;学会唱“Let’s sing!”部分的歌曲。;Thank you!;;On the way back 视频;看图片,猜单词; far;take a bus 乘公共汽车; great; feel; restaurant; afraid;快速“扫描”飞过的单词,并写下来,看谁写的又多又对。;;On the Great Wall;;On the way back;Let's do it!;2.Look and write.;3. Talk more about Beijing.;Practice;How does Danny feel on the way back? 丹尼在回来的路上感觉怎么样?;;重点词汇;;;Thank you!;;On Wangfujing Street 视频;口语交际; shop (动词)购物;买东西; kind (形容词)友好的;游戏时间;;On Wangfujing Street; Danny is so busy. He looks in fifteen shops. Mrs. Li, Li Ming and Jenny sit down.;Danny! You can’t walk to the hotel with that!;Let’s do it!;2. Read and write.;;Listen and repeat.;Practice;Jenny buys a scarf for her mother, some tea for her father, a kite for her sister and a cap for her brother. 詹妮给她的妈妈买了一条围巾,给她的爸爸买了一些茶,给她的妹妹买了一个风筝,给她的哥哥买了一???帽子。;What time is it, Li Ming? 几点了,李明?;;;重点词汇;重点句型;



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