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高一英语巩固练习 Ⅰ单词拼写 This kind of drug can p_________ children from mosquitoes. The noise outside a__________ our study. The farm covers an a_________ of 30 mu. I have a pain in my s__________ as I ate a green grape just now. The little baby should stay away from i__________. Sea water __________ (含有) salt. The road is covered with thick __________ (泥土). I have not heard from my brother ___________(最近). The tiger is a __________ (凶猛的)animal. The little girl loves collecting __________ (蝴蝶). Ⅱ句型转换 Milu deer has disappeared from China. Milu deer has ______ ________ from China. People hope that Taiwan will return our motherland as soon as possible. _______ __________ __________ that Taiwan will return our mother land as soon as possible. The old lady is sleeping peacefully. The old lady is sleeping _________ ____________. I got up so late that I was late for school. I got up late. ________ ________ __________, I was late for school. 5. Although tourists like to watch us, they didn’t want to protect us. They didn’t want to protect us ________ ________ tourists like to watch us. Ⅲ 翻译句子 他认识到自己处境困难。 我每天早上必须在七点以前穿好衣服。 我明天会去那间公司申请工作。 他已经不住在这里了。 那问题如今得到政府的关注。 KEYS: Ⅰ prevent affects area stomach insects Contains dust recently fierce butterflies Ⅱ died out It is hoped in peace As a result even if/though Ⅲ She has realized that she was in danger. I have to get dressed before 7:00 o’clock every morning. I will apply to that company for a job tomorrow. He no longer lives here. The issue is being paid attention to by the government now.


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