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嫦娥奔月的故事英语作文 The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for Chinese people all over the world to come together, eat special cakes and gaze at the full moon. 中秋节是一个全世界的华人和家人聚在一起吃月饼、赏月亮的节日。 Though a happy occasion, theres a heartbreaking story that explains how it came to be. 虽然这是一个快乐的节日,但这背后却有着一段令人心碎的传说。 Chinese legend tells of the hero Houyi and his beautiful wife Change. 在中国的传说中,有位英雄叫做后羿,他有个美丽的妻子名叫嫦娥。 As with many legends, there are differing and often contradictory accounts. 和其他很多传说一样,有关中秋节的传说也有很多不同的甚至是相互矛盾的版本。 One tells that Change was a heavenly girl who worked among fairies and immortals in the palace of the Jade Emperor. One day, she broke a special porcelain jar and was banished to live among humans on earth, with the promise that she could return if she performed valuable deeds there. 有一种版本中称,嫦娥原是玉皇大帝天宫中同其他仙女天神一起工作的女子。有一天,她打碎了一个特殊的瓷罐,因此被驱逐到凡间和人类生活在一起,只有当她做了好事她才能重新返回天上。 Joining a family of farmers, she met Houyi, a hunter and master archer, and eventually, they would marry. 嫦娥在一户农民家里遇到了身为猎人和射手的后羿,后来他们结婚了。 But the world of mortals soon found itself in peril. The Jade Emperor had 10 mischievous sons who transformed themselves into 10 suns, scorching the earth and its people. Houyi took it upon himself to save them. Using incredible strength and superior marksmanship, he shot down nine of the suns and left one in the sky so that humans could draw upon its warmth and light. 但是凡间随后就出现了危险。玉皇大帝的10个爱搞怪的儿子化作10个太阳,炙烤着大地和人类。后羿主动承担责任以拯救大家,他力大无比,射术超群,一口气射下了9个太阳,只留下一个给人们带来温暖和光芒。 It is here, again, that accounts diverge. One version has it that both Houyi and Change were heavenly beings, and that a vengeful emperor condemned them to live on Earth as mortals thereafter. Houyi wished to avert death, so he acquired an elixir that would confer immortality. He was warned to drink only half the potion, and he reasoned that his wife could drink the rest. 故事到这里又分成了不同的版本。一个版本说后羿和嫦娥都是天上的神仙,皇帝想要报复他们所以罚他们下凡间成为人类。后羿


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