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高一英语Unit 7-9 自测题 I.单项填空 (40分)????????? 1.A great many people go to visit the temple,_______to be very old but famous.??? A、which told? B、that is spoken? C、which is said?? D、that is talked 2.The few hours I had spent in the library____my old passion for reading,as the result of______I bought a lot of books.??? A、brought back;it? B、took back;it? C、brought back;which? D、took back;which 3.---How long____at this job?----Since 1990.??? A、were you employed???????? B、have you been employed C、had you been employed???? D、will you be employed 4.---Daddy,what does the sign mean?---It____the word and.??? A、presents? B、shows? C、awards? D、represents 5.Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary things.You have to____some of them??? A、remain? B、recycle?? C、remove?? D、renew 6.I have been asked to____my speech to 15 minutes.??? A、make? B、give?? C、explain?? D、limit 7.We have no rain for four months,and the harvest is_____.??? A、damaging? B、damaged? C、ruining? D、ruined 8. The band played many songs,_______.??? A、included some of my favourite?? B、includes some of my favourite C、some of my favourite including? D、including some of my favourite 9.The mother did all she could______ her son.??? A、to help? B、help?? C、to helping?? D、helps 10.There are a lot of old temples,_____about 1250BC.??? A、dates from? B、dated back to? C、which dates from? D、which dating back to 11.Listen to the group members and write down the reasons_____they give for protecting the temple.??? A、why? B、for which?? C、不填?? D、what 12.The town____in ruins after the earthquake.??? A、laid? B、lain?? C、lying?? D、lay 13.Darwin_______his ideas on scientific experiments.??? A、based?? B、objected?? C、included?? D、rose 14.---Some more drink? ? ---Thank you,__________.I have to drive home. A.Id rather not? B.Id not rather? C.Id rather not to? D.Id rather to 15.Some men earn their living by playing football. We call these__________footballers. A.international B.natural C.situational D.professional 16.Rather than______


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