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PAGE 高一英语模块四 Unit 1 同步复习 1.A_______ are good way to sell_______(产品). 2.I like to stay at this hotel,because s______is very good. 3.This book is ________(类似)to that one. 4.Our teacher often ______(鼓励) us to study hard. 5.As we all know,advertisemnt use p________ langauge and exciting_________(图象) to encourage people to buy their products. 6,There are two kinds of ads,one is c_________ ads,the other is p______ service ads. 7.PAS are i______to educate people about health and safety and other i________ 8.China has strong law to______people from the untrue ads. 9.We must be a_____ of our present situation(形势). 10.This is a_________(完全) mistake. 11.We are p_______ of being a Chinese. 12.The supermarket _________ (声称)that they have the _______(最新鲜)food. 13.we should c______ our knowledge with the practice. 14.He is a naughty boy and often play t_____ on others. 15.The o_______(原来) person of the story is Kongfansheng. 16.She is an a______girl and many boys wants to tal to her. 17.Buying our_______(产品)is your wise c_______,because they are of high q_____. 19.This is a _________(具有竞争力的) job. 20.He is very c_______and has invented many things. 21.Our company always thinks for_________(消费者) 22.Advertisements are intended to p_______ products. 23.Can you _______(推荐) me some books to read. 24.I bought this book on your _______(推荐). 25.There was an i_______of 30 percent in the price of oil. 26.There was a _____ of 20 percent in the car production. 27.Our sales rise_________(急剧)./___________(平稳)/____________(渐渐 ) 28.This kind of ice cream tastes_______(可口). 29.Our classroom is ________(舒适)) 30.Before doing a new thing,you must have a clear _____(目标). 31.Our country has started a tree-planting_________( 运动 32.If you want your ad ________(成功),you must try the way which a______ to your target ________( 观众). 33.Our government is always c______ with the poor people. 34.As parents,you should be _______ (对什么负责) for your children. 35.The s_________ of the Olympic Games is” Higher,


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