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PAGE 高一英语必修 = 2 \* GB3 ②Unit 4期末复习题 一.翻译下面单词和短语 1. 结果___________________ 2. 很久以前_____________________ 3. 穿衣___________________ 4. 习惯于_______________________ 5. 关心___________________ 6. 喜欢干什么___________________ 7.处于危险中___________________ 8. 申请_________________________ 9.在地球上___________________ 10. 关注________________________ 11. 对…有影响_______ ____ 12. 灭绝 _______________________ 13. 形成__________________ 14. 保护…免受__________________ 15. 保护区________________ 16. 平静地 _____________________ 二.单词拼写 This kind of drug can p_________ children from mosquitoes. The noise outside a__________ our study. I have a pain in my s__________ as I ate a green grape just now. There are many kinds of i_________ in the world, a bee is one kind of them. Sea water c__________ salt. I have not heard from my brother r ___________. 7. Man should protect w__________ for his own existence. 8. You will e__________ your health if you work so hard. 9. Did you report the l__________ of your jewelry to the police? 10. In class you should pay a__________ to what your teacher is saying. 11. He s__________ us locking the door while we were away. 12. Animals are our friends, they should live in p_______ on the earth. 13. As soon as he graduated from college, he a_________ for a job. 14. Tom always gets up late in the morning, he is a l_____ boy. 15. Man should be friends to animals and not be e________ to them. 三.单项选择 1. This book _____ ten units, ______ three mainly revision. A. contains; including B. includes; containing C. contains; containing D .includes; including 2. Cattle’s two ____ help them to digest food and their fur to keep them warm. A. stomaches B. heart C. stomachs D. hearts 3. She decided to apply _____ the boss _____ the new position . A to; to B for; for C to; for D for; to 4. I’ll finish the job ____ I come across great difficulty. A. however B. even though C. no matter D. as though 5. John, get up


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