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Unit 21 Body language ●目标导引 Ⅰ.单词及短语 vary,focus,give sb.a hand,get through,occur,avoid Ⅱ.语法 分词作定语 ●内容精讲 Ⅰ.单词及短语精讲 1.vary v.存在不同之处,变化;名词为:variety变化,多样化;形容词为:various e.g.Opinions on this matter vary. 在这个问题上意见很不一致。 The price varies according to the season. 价格随季节而变化。 She didnt like the work because it lacked variety;she was doing the same thing all the time.她不喜欢这份工作,因为它缺乏多样性;她总在做同样的事情。 Everyone arrived late at the party,for a variety of (或for various)reasons. 因为各种各样的原因,大家都来晚了。 2.contact n.v.同(某人)联系,接触 e.g.Have you contacted the childs parents?你同孩子的父母联系了吗? For further information,contact your local agent. 要了解进一步情况,请跟 本地代理商联系。 They avoid eye contact all evening. 他们整晚都避免看对方。 表示联系的词组: 与……取得联系 make contact with;get in touch with 同……有联系be in contact(或touch)with 同……失去联系lose contact(或touch)with 3.bend v.(使)弯曲,弯腰,俯身;形容词为:bent 弯曲的。 e.g.He bent the iron bar as if it had been made of rubber. 他把铁棒弄弯了,就好像它是用橡胶做的似的。 This wire bends easily. 这根金属线易弯。 The nurse bent down and kissed the child. 护士弯下身子,亲了亲小孩。 The doctor bent over the sick child. 医生俯身看那个病童。 They refuse to bend to the hijackers demands. 他们拒绝屈从于劫机者的需求。(bend to… 向……屈服) 4.opposite n. adj. prep. 相反的人(事物)(~of);相反的,对面的(~to) 在……的对面 动词为:oppose 反对(~doing)的名词为:opposition 反对 e.g.Black is the opposite of white. 与白色相反的是黑色。 He lives opposite me (或to me) .他住在我对面。 I live in the house opposite the station. 我住在火车站的对面。 The president opposes giving military aid to this country. 总统拒绝向该国提供军事援助。 There was a lof of opposition to the new road. 许多人反对建新公路。 5.focus n.v. 焦点,中心;(使)集中(注意力)于……(~on) e.g.He always wants to be the focus of attention. 他总是想成为受注意的焦点。 All eyes were focused on him. 大家的眼光都注视着他。 Focus your attention on your work. 把注意力集中在你的工作上。 Today were going to focus on the question of homeless people. 今天我们集中讨论露宿者的问题。 其他与attention搭配的动词还有: focus(或fix)ones attention on … 把注意力集中在……上 pay attention to … 注意…… catch/draw/call/attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意力 Ⅱ.句子精讲 6.You are late for a flight and you want to go ahead of the q


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