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高一英语期中素质评价卷参考答案(2006.11) I.听力 1~5 BCCAA 6~10 CBBAC II.单项填空 11~15 ADADC 16~20 ACCBD 21~26 AACAB III.完形填空 26~30 BDADA 31~35 BCDBA 36~40 ABDCB 41-45 BACCD IV.阅读理解 46~50 CDB BC 51~55 AADCB V.单词拼写 56,advice/suggestions 57.teenagers 58.familar 59.retell 60.boss 61.calm 62.useles 63.speech 64.direction 65.add VI.改错 66.is去掉或前加who 67。been后加to 68。and改but 69。正确 70。goes改went 71.the去掉 72.Jim改为Jim’s 73。cheap改为cheaper 74。He改为Th ey 75。after改为before VII.写作 Travel Travel is a very good activity. When you’re fed up with your work or study, and when you’re free, you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of nature. You can breathe fresh air and make some friends. But sometimes, it is not a good thing. The weather often changes. You may be caught in the rain and may catch a cold while traveling. Therefore, you should prepare yourself carefully before the trip. You’d better find a companion so that you can help each other and may avoid accidents during the travel. (for reference only) 命题人:桐乡二中 陈智杰 审核人:郑幕一 附录:听力原文 第一节(共5小题) (text 1) M.Have you ever read Harry Porter? W:I’m afraid I haven’t. M:What a pity!You really should.It’s very interesting,you know. I have a copy here.If you like,I’ll lend it to you. (text2) M:Look!Jack has got the ball.Oh,go on Jack. W:That Oxford full back is trying to stop him. (text3) W:Alan,have you got a meeting in Edinburgh? M:Yes,I’m going to see some important people.why? W:I’m going to visit Glasgow on Wednesday and it’s quite near Edinburgh. M:Ah..I’m going to drive there tomorrow,so you can go with me. (text4) M:Did you watch the football match on TV yesterday evening? W:No,I didn’t.I had dinner with a friend and didn’t go back home until 8 o’clock. (text5) M:Shall we watch TV tonight? W;All right,What’s on tonight? M:A pop show on Channel six is at 7:30.Then at 8:30 there is a western. 第二节(共5小题) (text6) M:Hey,Susan.You are good at remembering things


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