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英语笑话小故事带翻译精选 好心反遭报应中英 Eddie liked music very much when he was at school, but when he went to the university he decided to study medicine, instead of music. When he passed his examinations and became a doctor, he had to work in a hospital for some time. There he discovered that a lot of the patients were happier and caused less trouble if pleasant music was played to them. When Eddie got an office and began to work for himself, he decided to keep his patients happy by having a tape recorder in his waiting room play beautiful music for them. 艾迪在中学的时候非常喜欢音乐,可是上了大学后,他决心放弃音乐改学医学。在通过考试成为医生之后,他必须在医院工作一段时间。在那儿,他发现如果播放动听的音乐,很多病人会快乐点,麻烦也会少点。有了自己的诊所开始营业时,他决定在候诊室放一台录音机,播放优美的音乐给病人听,让他们快乐一点。 But soon after the tape recorder had been put in, Eddies nurse heard a woman, who was sitting in the crowded waiting room one morning, complain, “Here we’re all waiting to see the doctor, and hes just playing the violin in his office instead of doing his work” 录音机装好之后,有一天早上,艾迪的护士听到一位女士坐在拥挤的候诊室抱怨说:“我们大家都等着看病,他却只知道在办公室里拉小提琴,根本就不工作。” 它就是士兵中英 As a newly commissioned infantry lieutenant, I was eager to set an example for my platoon by cleaning my own M一16 rifle. While we were working on the weapons, one soldier complained about the unusual notched shape of the M一16 s bolt and chamber, which makes it difficult to clean. 作为一名新上任的步兵中尉,我希望通过擦拭自己的M-16自动步枪,给全排的士兵们作个榜样。我们一块擦枪时,一名战士抱怨由于M-16的枪栓和枪膛特别的凹形结构,擦起来十分困难。 Lieutenant, they need to make something to clean this with,” the soldier said. “中尉,应该制造出一种擦这枪的工具。”士兵说。 They do,” piped up a sergeant. “已经制造出来了。”一个军士尖声说。 Really? I said with surprise, wondering why we had not ordered such a tool. “真的?”我十分诧异,纳闷为什么我们没有定购这种工具。 Yes,sir,”replied the sergeant. Its called a soldier.” “真的,长官,”军士答道,“它就是士兵。” 滑雪课中英 Between my first and second ski lessons, I was practicing on the beginners slope at Mammoth Mountain in California. I began to pick up speed, and suddenly I realized I had forgotten how to


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