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[streind?] Read new words: bright Earth/the earth the moon by spaceship travel elephant plant 植物 sneeze tiptoe lightning strange amazing Test 1.It takes three days _______________ (travel) from Earth to the moon by spaceship. 2.Fish sleep with their eyes_________________(睁着的). 3.You cannot sneeze and ________ your eyes ___________at the same time. (你不能在打喷嚏的同时睁着眼睛) 4.A man in the USA was 2.72_________ __________. (2.72米高) 5.There is __________ plant life __________ lightning. (没有闪电就没有植物) * Welcome to the unit & comic strip 预习反馈 : 1. /?`meizi?/ 2. /ju:ef`?u/ 3. /`jest?dei/ 4. /brait/ 5. /`tr?vl/ 6. /?:θ/ 7. /mu:n/ 8. /`speis?ip/ amazing UFO yesterday bright travel earth moon spaceship 令人吃惊的,惊人的 不明飞行物 在昨天 明亮的 旅行 地球 月亮 宇宙飞船 预习反馈 : 9. /sni:z/ 10. /`elif?nt/ 11. /`tipt?u/ 12. /pla:nt/ 13. /wi`eaut/ 14. /`laitni?/ 15. /streind?/ sneeze elephant tiptoe plant without lightning srtrange 打喷嚏 大象 脚趾尖,脚尖 植物,种植 无,没有 闪电 奇怪的 There are many amazing things in it. Is he strange? [?'meizi?] The world is full of amazing things. [?'meizi?] plant [ɑ:] lightning bright [ai] by spaceship travel the moon Earth / the earth sneeze [i:] tiptoe [?u] sneeze You cannot sneeze and keep your eyes open at the same time. ( keep +n. +adj. ) You sneeze with your eyes _________. (open/closed) closed Lightning can help plants/ plant life grow. There is no plant life without(没有) lightning. Why? Let me tell you! 如果没有闪电,植物根本就不能生存。因为地球大气中大约百分之八十是氮,氮是植物的主要食粮。但是植物不能吸收。闪电就能触发气态的氮, 使气体状态的氮,变为植物可吸收的氮。也就是所谓的氨基酸的生成。 tiptoe(脚尖) Elephants walk on tiptoe. He was 2.72 metres tall. In the USA The man has died.(死了) two point seven two by spaceship about 3 days the moon It takes (sb.) some time to do sth. . Earth travel How long does it take from Earth to the moon by spaceship? . Fish sleep with their eyes_______.(closed/open) open 明亮的,adj. 月亮 n. 乘宇宙飞船 旅行 n. & vi. 大象 n. 打喷嚏 v. 脚尖 n. 闪电


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