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广东GRE考试考前冲刺卷 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.ASSIMILATE: A.(A) to ascertain B.(B) to befuddle C.(C) to suffocate D.(D) to dissipate E.(E) to incorporate into 参考答案:D To assimilate is to incorporate or absorb, whereas dissipate means to drive away or disperse. None of the other answer choices have meanings that are opposite to that of assimilate. 2.ABATE: A.(A) abdicate B.(B) augment C.(C) annihilate D.(D) lessen E.(E) contradict 参考答案:B Abate means to diminish or reduce, and augment means to add to or increase. The word abdicate, while it sounds similar to abate, means to give up power or rights, which is not an antonym of abate. Both annihilate and lessen have meanings similar to abate. Contradict means to deny. 3.Running a marathon is an ______ task, taking months of both physical and mental preparation and training before actually running a grueling 26.2 miles. A.(A) arduous B.(B) ambiguous C.(C) involuntary D.(D) eloquent E.(E) overt 参考答案:A The context of the sentence indicates that running a marathon is quite challenging and takes a lot of preparation. Arduous means difficult or demanding great effort, which best fits the context of the sentence. 4.ENIGMATIC: A.(A) abstruse B.(B) puzzling C.(C) enlightening D.(D) disconcerting E.(E) worrisome 参考答案:C Enigmatic refers to something that is ambiguous, which is the opposite of enlightening. Both abstruse and puzzling are synonyms of enigmatic. The other answer choices do not include words that have meanings opposite to that of enigmatic. 5.PILGRIMAGE : ZEALOT :: A.(A) chef : recipe B.(B) journey : path C.(C) sleet : hail D.(D) genesis : citizen E.(E) expedition : pioneer 参考答案:E A zealot is generally someone who is committed to a certain cause, and a pilgrimage is a long journey or search of some significance. A general sentence that can be used to describe the analogy is: A ______ is likely to embark upon a ______ . The word pair that best fits the sentence


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