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工商(经企)管理硕士入学考试(GMAT)考试模拟卷(1) 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.A computer equipped with signature-recognition software, which restricts access to a computer to those people whose signatures are on file, identifies a persons signature by analyzing not only the form of the signature but also such characteristics as pen pressure and signing speed. Even the most adept forgers cannot duplicate all of the characteristics the program analyzes. Which of the following can be logically concluded from the passage above? (A) The time it takes to record and analyze a signature makes the software impractical for everyday use. (B) Computers equipped with the software will soon be installed in most banks. (C) Nobody can gain access to a computer equipped with the software solely by virtue of skill at forging signatures. (D) Signature-recognition software has taken many years to develop and perfect. (E) In many cases even authorized users are denied legitimate access to computers equipped with the software. 参考答案:C [解析] 本题为归纳题型,很容易知(C)为正确答案。需要强调的是归纳题的选项出现新概念,一般不对。(A)中的the time,(B)中的in most banks均为新概念,所以不正确;(D)中的many years to develop and perfect从上面推不出来;(E)和段落信息明显违背,因此也不可能是正确答案。 2.Division manager: I want to replace the Microton computers in my division with Vitech computers. General manager: Why? Division manager: It costs 28 percent less to train new staff on the Vitech. General manager: But that is not a good enough reason. We can simply hire only people who already know how to use the Microton computer. Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the general managers objection to the replacement of Microton computers with Vitechs? (A) Currently all employees in the company are required to attend workshops on how to use Microton computers in new applications. (B) Once employees learn how to use a computer, they tend to change employers more readily than before. (C) Experienced users of Microton computers comm


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