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我的梦想英语作文初中级 I finally became a scientist, the 20 years I finally finished my dream, when a scientist. After I became a scientist, created a unique vehicle, the high-tech equipment everything inside, there are four button, respectively is: black button, the yellow button, the green button, white button. Press the black button, ah! Turned into a high-tech spaceships, sit this spacecraft to explore the universe mystery no problem, because the spacecraft automatic navigation system, meet the meteor or other deadly things they avoid, each seat has a measuring instrument, is to explore the mystery. Click on the yellow button, becomes a plane, the plane also have a navigation system, encounter the enemy to launch missiles, if meet the strong, dont worry, because the plane have high-tech invisible shield, rushed forward, and ship it would explode. Click the green button, will turn into a house, the house can fly in the air, to walk on the ground, also can swim in the water, if youre hungry, house there will be a universal television, you turn on the TV, said to the people on TV through to market, the following will you choose the food. Anyway, the universal television can meet the requirements of you. Press the white button, it will become a submarine, sailing on the sea, if you meet a shark, a submarine torpedo automatically. All of a sudden, the submarine is out of control, meter 15 seconds after the explosion, I also have no choice. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 of 1 dong, I woke up with a start. Each of us has our own beautiful dream, some people want to be a great scientist; Some people want to be a glorious peoples liberation army PLA; Some people also want to be a painter circulate forever; Some people want to be a doctor. But I want to be an archaeologist. Why I have this dream? Because I was watching TV, saw some archaeologists in underground digging out a lot of ancient cultural relics, there are a lot of porcela


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