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公共英语考试真题卷(7) 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.A small girl and her mother were taking a walk in the country when it suddenly began to rain very hard.They did not have their umbrellas with them,and there was nowhere to hide from the rain,so they became wet soon,and the small girl did not feel happy.While they were walking home through the rain,the girl kept thinking.At last she turned tO her mother and said,“Wrhy does it rain,MotherIt isn’t Very nice,is it”No,it isn’t very nice,but it’s useful,answered her mother.It rains to make the fruit and vegetables grow for us,and to make the grass grow for the cows and sheep.The girl thought for a few seconds, and asked, Then,why does it rain on the road too, mother How did the mother answer the girl’s question(). A.She said the rain was nice. B.She said the rain was very useful. C.She said the rain was terrible. 参考答案:B 第三段母亲的回答中直接指出:it’s useful,其中的it指代的就是女孩询 问时指的rain。在后面,母亲还解释了说it’s useful的原因。因此本题答 案是B。 2.When you close your eyes and try to think of the shape of your own body, what you (36) is quite different (37) what you see when you open your eyes and look (38) the mirror. The image you feel (39) is a bit different from the one you see. And if (40) lie still, it is quite hard to imagine yourself as having any particular size or (41) .When you move, when feel the weight of your arms and (42) , the ’felt’ image of (43) starts to become clearer. The image you create for yourself is rather (44) : some parts feel much (45) than they look. If you use your tongue to feel a hole in one of your (46) , it (47) so large; you are often (48) by how small it looks when you see (49) in the mirror.But although the ’felt’ (50) may not have the shape you see in the mirror, it is much (51) important. It is the image through (52) you see your physical existence (53) the world. If the ’felt’ image is damaged (54) any reason — if it is cut in half or lost — to feel a pain or find your


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