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软件工程专业英语个人简历 Basic CV Name: xxx nationality: China Current location: Guangzhou nation: null Exit and Entry: Guangzhou tall: 170 cm ? 65 kg Marital Status: Single Age: 24 years old Training Certification: integrity badge: Job search intention and work experience Personnel types: ordinary job ? Position: Industrial / Factory categories: computer software engineer business / management Work Experience: 1 Title: null Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time Monthly requirements: 1500 - 2000 hope that the working area: Guangzhou, Dongguan, Guangdong Province Personal experience: 2021.10 HEDY Computer study tour Shaoguan City 2021.7-8 computer technical support 2021.10 Center of Guangdong Province to learn LINIX 2021.4-7 Intentia JAVA mobile communications training institute Kai Yat 2021.7-9 Guangzhou Building Material Co., Ltd Website Maintenance Administrative Assistant Zarlink 2021.9-12 Technology Co., Ltd. Guangdong programmers Educational background Graduate institutions: the Guangzhou College of navigation Highest level of education: college graduates - 2021-07-01 Studies by one: the Science of Software Engineering II: By education and training experience: 2021.9-2021.7 Guangzhou College of navigation software engineering Intentia 2021.4-2021.6 College training JAVA Mobile Language ability Foreign Languages: English well Mandarin level: the level of fine Cantonese: General The ability to work and other expertise School for three consecutive years by the third-class scholarship. Honored to join the Communist Party of China. On behalf of schools to participate in university students in 2021 in Guangdong Province and Guangdong Province, swimming the seventh University Games was the third and sixth. Swimming in school serve as President of the Association. JAVA MVC model with the preparation of asset management systems, poker


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