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初三英语作文我的家乡 The cock of the map, you know there is such a beautiful city? Spring, vibrant, lush; In the summer, purples, milk incense wanli; Autumn, the air crisp, golden world; Winter, snow mountains, the white sea. In all the scenery, you will not see such pleasant scene, guileless, naturally from this side. After a long winter, spring come later. Here in April is a season of snow and ice melting, strange this is he. Visit, in addition to the messenger of spring, grass and water spirit: snowflakes flying. Grass quietly leaned out, looking at the new world, pale green, is so tenacious vitality, with his arrival, the wind blows quietly opened our window. The cool summer weather, here is a great place for summer. The days here forever so high, so pure. The light, close to white sky, no trace of impurities, always give a person with hope, seeing her, the in the mind the trouble between brake disappeared, standing in this sky, is also a kind of happiness. The grass here forever so dense, so high. That deep, inky generally green, like a blanket of flowers, outstanding displays above that vibrant, is them, made of grassland are no longer lonely. On the green, smelling the fragrance, mind also be suddenly enlightened. Head up, eyeful is light blue, lower the head, is the endless dark green. No one feel dazzling, they feel this is a harmonious picture. My hometown, is a picturesque village. Spring, after the baptism of the rain, all things recovery, the hometown of the mountain of the unknown wildflowers speared out, have the amaryllis of pink, purple til to spend, there are many out the name of wild flowers, all kinds of, very beautiful. For bare and lonely mountain added a bright color. Trees also opened new branches and leaves, as if on the home. To a path for a walk, a bird hit song to play for you, the wind graceful figure dance for you, everything is full of vitality, the awaken of spring is abundant. Summer, hot weather, pieces of whi


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