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8a词组 unit3 爬山 climb a hill 保持健康keep healthy/fit 划船旅行take a boat trip 保重take care …的顶部the top of 由…制成be made of 一天之内环游世界around the world in a day 邀请某人做某事invite sb to +V原 遥远far away 花费时间做某事spend some time (in)V-ing 许多a lot of 在某人去某地的路上 on one’s way to sp 到达arrive at/in 迫不及待做某事can’t wait to +V原 多于 more than 景点place of interest 遍及全世界 all over the world 不能相信某人的眼睛can’t believe one’s eye 在网上 on the Internet 不同的文化different cultures 主页home page 参加 jion in/ take part in 歌舞表演song and dance show 独自by oneself 照相take photos/pictures 在某些方面in some ways 努力,试图做某事try to +V 攀岩pull oneself up the rocks 互相each other 进入决赛get to the final 上车get on 前天the day before yesterday 步行去某地go to sp on foot=walk to sp 乘坐公交车去某地go to sp by bus=take a bus to sp 坐地铁去某地go to sp by subway/underground=take a subway/underground to sp 外出旅行have a day out 回到go back to unit4 明确的指示clear instruction 最好(不)做某事had better(not) V原 没问题no problem 代表stand for 代替instead of 付钱给某人做某事 pay sb to +V原 制作纸玫瑰make some paper roses 一把剪刀 a pair of scissors 新的东西 something new 对…着迷be crazy about 安装put in 看起来…look +adj 断电have a power cut 敲到水管hit a pipe 用某物填充某物fill…with… 张贴,悬挂,搭建put up 继续做某事keep on +V-ing 不仅…而且not only ….but also 把某物刷成某种颜色paint sth +颜色 在墙上on the wall 一个…另一个one…the other 架子的一端one end of the shelf 为某人买某物buy sth for sb=buy sb sth 建议某人做某事advise sb to V原 上课(在某方面)take a course in 充满be full of 没做成某事fail to V原 在…前面in front of 告诉某人不要做某事tell sb not to V原 放弃give up 在….的另一边 on the other side of 当季in season 确保make sure 做水果沙拉make a fruit salad 例如for example 到时间做某事It’s time for 停止做某事stop +V-ing 停下来去做某事stop to V原 一片 a piece of 在…顶部on the top of 整天all day 收拾妥,整理好 tidy up 保密keep it secret 弄错go wrong 剪出cut out 决定做某事decide to V原 计划做某事 plan to V原


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